1 National Income Accounts Chapter 22 Appendix © 2006 Thomson/South-Western
2 National Income Captures all income earned by American- owned resources, whether located in the United States or abroad Results from several adjustments to net domestic product Adds net earnings from American resources abroad Subtracts indirect business taxes, net of subsidies
3 Exhibit 6: Deriving Net Domestic Product and National Income (in trillions of dollars)
4 Personal Income Personal income adds to national income the income received but not earned, and subtracts the income earned but not received Income earned but not received in the current period includes The employer’s share of Social Security taxes Corporate income taxes Undistributed corporate profits Income received but not earned in the current period includes Government transfer payments Receipts from private pension plans Interest paid by government and by consumers
5 Exhibit 7: Deriving Personal Income and Disposable Income (in trillions of dollars)
6 Disposable Income Subtracting personal taxes and other government charges from personal income yields disposable income Disposable income is the amount available for spending or saving Take-home pay
7 Exhibit 8: Expenditure and Income Statement for the U.S. Economy (trillions of dollars)