Linda Nickel EPSB Project Specialist 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Linda Nickel EPSB Project Specialist 1

EPSB has 4 major responsibilities or duties as defined in SB Lead, in collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Education and Council on Postsecondary Education, coordinated information and training sessions on revised content standards for faculty and staff in all teacher preparation programs. 2. EPSB to ensure teacher preparation programs include use of academic standards in the pre-service programs and that all teacher interns have experience planning classroom instruction based on the revised standards. 3. Collaborate with KDE and other partners to identify weaknesses in writing instruction and consider how skills to improve writing should best be taught to teachers. 4. Analyze current requirements at the pre-service level for writing instruction and determine how writing instruction for prospective teachers can be enhanced or improved. 2

Progress on 2 major responsibilities or duties as defined in SB 1will be highlighted. 1. Lead, in collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Education and Council on Postsecondary Education, coordinated information and training sessions on revised content standards for faculty and staff in all teacher preparation programs. 2. EPSB to ensure teacher preparation programs include use of academic standards in the pre-service programs and that all teacher interns have experience planning classroom instruction based on the revised standards. 3

Responsibilities or Duties 1. Lead, in collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Education and Council on Postsecondary Education, coordinated information and training sessions on revised content standards for faculty and staff in all teacher preparation programs. Progress: 8 Senate Bill 1 Information Workshops  provide postsecondary faculty and staff with information about SB 1 (2009 ).  provide opportunities for questions and discussion on the impact of SB1 (2009) on the postsecondary community.  6 Information Workshops completed to date  235 attended  1 Webinar  18 attended Focus of Each Workshop Senate Bill 1 (2009), the common core standards, and assessment. Two Remaining Presentations: Senate Bill 1 (2009) Information Webinar - August 12, 2011 Senate Bill 1 (2009) Information Workshop - Williamsburg KY - May 17,

Responsibilities or Duties 1. Lead, in collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Education and Council on Postsecondary Education, coordinated information and training sessions on revised content standards for faculty and staff in all teacher preparation programs. Progress: 4 Online Modules Developed and Online by CPE  The Impact of Senate Bill 1 (2009) on Assessment and Accountability  50 registrations  Introduction to Senate Bill 1 (2009) and the Kentucky Core Academic Standards  138 registrations  Impact of Senate Bill 1 (2009) on Mathematics  Impact of Senate Bill 1 on English Language Arts & Literacy  431 have participated in some type of SB 1 information session. 5

Responsibilities or Duties 2. EPSB to ensure teacher preparation programs include use of academic standards in the pre-service programs and that all teacher interns have experience planning classroom instruction based on the revised standards. Progress: Senate Bill 1 (2009) Institutional Plans Institutions have created professional development plans that will address teacher preparation to integrate the standards into course instruction. Senate Bill 1 (2009) Institutional Plans PROGRESS by Institution: Public Universities Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities Kentucky Community and College System 6

 Eastern Kentucky University  The Eastern Initiative  Five professional learning communities  English, mathematics, social sciences, natural sciences and teacher education  Goal: To study the new Common Core standards to determine how they relate to introductory general education classes, the University’s developmental program, and teacher preparation.  “We are building capacity,” said Dr. Dorie Combs, chair of EKU’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction. “We believe that people will support what they help create.”  Read more:  80 Faculty have participated 7

 Kentucky State University  Steering Committee leading SB 1 Work  Online professional development center  59 full time faculty and 19 adjunct have committed to SB 1 Project  Good response from math and science departments  Graduate students have an elective course for SB 1  First Tuesday Forum – information sessions on SB 1  Curriculum review and revisions are underway – appropriate alignment with common core standards. 8

 Morehead State University  MSU held its first College Readiness Strategies Workshop January Dr. Pamela Petty and colleagues presented a three part SB1/College Readiness Strategies Campus wide Workshop,  (Read More)Read More  They continued SB1 efforts with a campus wide summit in March. It was an opportunity for idea exchange and showcases regarding SB1 work.  130 Faculty have attended the work.  As a result of this effort, PLC’s were formed. Sharing of strategies and ideas for SB 1 implementation. 9

 Murray State University  SB 1 Awareness/Orientation Professional Development Seminars held in February and March.  SB 1 developed through Collegial Learning Communities.  Learning communities to study in-depth standards, assessment in course syllabi.  Core standards overview touched 114 faculty.  Working with P-12 faculties to build P12 capacity. 10

 Northern Kentucky University  Preliminary stages of implementation  Use of technology will play a significant role in their SB 1 efforts.  Sustainable technology – useable apps on their university page (Similar to ITunes)  Process of identifying key players for their workshops.  Workshops – 2 in summer (July 8 and Aug 2) and 2 in fall 11

 University of Kentucky Overview of SB 1 began in April using College of Education Faculty Meetings. SB 1 work led by steering committee through Professional Learning Communities. The Teaching Center formed K12 relationships, online committees, and developed a software program to diagnose specific gap areas in math and language arts. Developing materials to be used in transition learning communities Fall Using Sophia (online management site) to share SB 1 content and materials. 75 faculty and administrators have been involved in their work. 12

 University of Louisville  Steering Committee responsible for the SB 1 work.  Partner with the Collaborative Center for Literacy Development, the Kentucky Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, and the Kentucky Center for Mathematics to provide an August workshop for faculty in Developmental Education, Career and Technical Education, Arts and Sciences Mathematics, English, College of Education and private institutions.  Supplementary Module Materials -Materials to build upon work of KDE and CPE modules and workshops. Provide U of L faculty with UL course specific information. English and mathematics will be ready for fall.  Identified faculty in math and English will align 6 math courses and 3 English courses to the new core academic standards. Completion date is expected to be September  In October Professional Learning Communities for English and math will begin ongoing discussion between secondary and postsecondary educators based on the new core academic standards. 13

 Western Kentucky University ◦ “It Takes One to Know One” Discipline Specific Professional Development - Content area faculty emphasis. Read more about the professional development activities at: Changing syllabi to meet standards and assessment. Stressing literacy in content areas. Content more thoroughly learned in a brain friendly way. Building capacity from seed money provided by CPE. 211 Faculty have attended events and activities 15 events/activities to identify leaders within departments 14

 AIKCU ◦ 85% of schools have participated in the CPE sponsored workshops, webinars, online modules. ◦ Allocations have been provided for individual school and collaborative efforts. ◦ Primary contacts have been named for collaboration with public institutions. ◦ Capacity building sustainability activities are planned for teacher education faculties in the fall. 15

 Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS)  Using SB 1 funds as leverage to make cultural changes  Two basic initiatives: ◦ Develop teams to align standards ◦ Implement new alignment into curriculum  Two tracks of professional development:  Collaborative workshops for development courses and gate keeper courses Standards alignment – week long workshop to redesign reading curriculum Curriculum Development 150 faculty and staff have attended CPE SB 1 Information Sessions. 16