Pakistan regional, the third page By: Babar Badat
1947 Pakistan. Agricultural economy 1960 1947 Pakistan Agricultural economy 1960 Manufacturing & Industrial base No attention to transport & logistics development.
2000 New century: Opening up of the Central Asian markets Maturing of the Chinese economy Opportunity for transit corridor
Global interregional trade levels: NAFTA. around 60% Euro zone Global interregional trade levels: NAFTA around 60% Euro zone around 45% Asean around 40% Pakistan around 5%
Pakistan’s logistics capabilities: a). The logistics services industry Pakistan’s logistics capabilities: a) The logistics services industry PIFFA – FIATA PIFFA logistics training institute b) Basic transport infrastructure Sea, Air, Land, Railways, Water ways, Pipe lines Transmission lines.
a) Distances from Central Asian States to the region’s sea ports.
b). Transport infrastructure investments: b) Transport infrastructure investments: Turkey, Iran, CAS, China, India, Bangladesh, Srilanka India alone has comitted US $ 35 billion per year
The Regional Connect
Road linkages from Pakistan to the region
Railway linkages from Pakistan to the region
Opportunity lost: Liberation of Central Asia Land locked Afghanistan, viable option Pakistan Road blocks: No focal point, the country’s logistics canvas is spread over seven federal ministries. Future: Ministry of freight transport, logistics & ports.