Case Management Tools Monica Sulier, MS, RD, CDE Northwest Washington Indian Health Board
About information in notebook Asked what our case managers what they thought was helpful when they first started Just guidelines and tools Encourage you to develop your own guidelines and forms to meet your site’s need
Guidelines for Case Management Assessment and Care Plans Education for participants Support Evaluation Disease management Follow up Problem solving
How do I case manage? No “right way” Technique and approach many vary with each case manager The approach that works with one participant may not work with another Keep guidelines and goals for case management in mind when meeting with patients
What was successful at our site? Being available Relationship between case manager and participant Trust (between case manager and staff, and between case manager and participants) Consistent follow up Knowledgeable staff
Case Studies/Role Playing Note information on the C1 form Observe and we will discuss after dialog between case manager and participant Jot down questions as we go along Picture how you would want things to look at your site