James Nowotarski 20 April 2004 IS 553 Advanced Systems Development Practices
2 Course Map Underpinnings. Introduction. Essentials Content. Rational Unified Process. Agile Implementation. Metrics. CMM. Distributed development. Tools & training Briefings (Term Papers) Assignments Quizzes Week (RUP)(Agile)(CMM) (Distr. Dev.)
3 Understand more details of Rational Unified Process (RUP): Phases Milestones Artifacts Today’s Objectives
4 Topic Duration Quiz 1 and Last Week Recap45 minutes RUP Artifacts and Assignment 230 minutes *** Break15 minutes Current Event Reports15 minutes RUP Project Mgmt Considerations15 minutes UML Overview15 minutes RUP Jeopardy45 minutes Today’s Agenda
5 Topic Duration Quiz 1 and Last Week Recap45 minutes RUP Artifacts and Assignment 230 minutes *** Break15 minutes Current Event Reports15 minutes RUP Project Mgmt Considerations15 minutes UML Overview15 minutes RUP Jeopardy45 minutes Today’s Agenda
6 Quiz 1 – Question 1
7 RUP Guiding Principles Iterative Development Quality Customer Value Attack risk Accommodate change Work together Executable software Architecture baseline Component-based development Objectives Strategies Tactics
8 Iterative Advantages/Disadvantages Advantages Resolves risks before making large investments Enables early user feedback Makes testing and integration continuous problems are discovered when they are easier to address minimizes later rework Focuses on most essential requirements Makes partial deployments possible Accelerates project team learning Facilitates reuse Disadvantages Waterfall life cycle is more familiar since it is similar to hardware life cycle Iterative Life Cycles difficult to estimate and manage. Only recently used on real projects - therefore little track record Rework takes place from one iteration to the next Iterative life cycle best used for problems that are not well understood.
9 Product is the result of development cycles Version 1 Development CycleVersion 2 Development Cycle Version 3 Development Cycle Product delivered to users
10 Development cycle consists of phases Development Cycle InceptionElaborationConstructionTransition
11 Phase consists of Iterations Development Cycle Elaboration Iteration n Iteration n+1
12 Iteration consists of Activities Development Cycle Elaboration Iteration n+1 Iteration n R A&D C T R C T Each phase contains one or more iterations
13 Anatomy of Terminology Product Development Cycle Phase Iteration Activity is the result of consists of
14 Activity (Individual) Product Development Cycle Phase Iteration Activity is the result of consists of Take this diagram and add: workflow artifact role step
15 Additional Process Elements Guidelines - are rules, recommendations, or heuristics that support activities and steps. Templates - are models or prototypes of artifacts Example: Word template for Vision Document Tool mentors - are a means of providing guidance by showing you how to use a specific software tool (Similar to wizards) Concepts - Separate material that describe some of the reasons and background on a specific topic
16 Waterfall model System requirements Software requirements Analysis Program design Coding Testing Operations Source: Royce, W. "Managing the Development of Large Software Systems."
17 Is RUP = Waterfall in disguise? System requirements Software requirements Analysis Program design Coding Testing Operations Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
18 Iteration consists of Activities Development Cycle Elaboration Iteration n+1 Iteration n R A&D C T R C T Each phase contains one or more iterations
19 Inside each phase, you plan iterations across disciplines
20 Phase boundaries in RUP are milestones InceptionElaborationConstructionTransition
21 Milestones Exit criteria Decide to proceed, abort, or change course Measure progress, e.g., –use cases completed –features completed –performance requirements satisfied –risks eliminated –test cases passed
22 Phase boundaries in waterfall are activities System requirements Software requirements Analysis Program design Coding Testing Operations RUP Phase Milestone
23 Topic Duration Quiz 1 and Last Week Recap45 minutes RUP Artifacts and Assignment 230 minutes *** Break15 minutes Current Event Reports15 minutes RUP Project Mgmt Considerations15 minutes UML Overview15 minutes RUP Jeopardy45 minutes Today’s Agenda
24 RUP Artifacts by Phase InceptionElaborationConstructionTransition Vision Use Cases (20%) Software Arch Doc (high level) Plan Risks Business Case Development Case Inception artifacts (updated) Executable Architecture User Interface Prototype User Interface Design Analysis Model Design Model Database Design Testing Plan Previous artifacts (updated) Software [Converted] Data Training & Support
25 RUP Artifacts by Phase and Discipline Discipline InceptionElaborationConstructionTransition Business Modeling Requirements Analysis & Design Implementation Test Deployment
26 RUP Artifacts by Phase and Discipline Discipline InceptionElaborationConstructionTransition Configuration and Change Management Project Management Environment
27 Executable architecture is key artifact from Elaboration Executable architecture Driven by carefully selected use cases Essential Difficult Representative cross-section Addresses most risky technical elements Needs to satisfy functional and nonfunctional requirements (“ilities”) Performance, reliability, usability, availability, etc. Also concurrency, interprocess communication, data/process distribution, etc.
28 Topic Duration Quiz 1 and Last Week Recap45 minutes RUP Artifacts and Assignment 230 minutes *** Break15 minutes Current Event Reports15 minutes RUP Project Mgmt Considerations15 minutes UML Overview15 minutes RUP Jeopardy45 minutes Today’s Agenda
29 Topic Duration Quiz 1 and Last Week Recap45 minutes RUP Artifacts and Assignment 230 minutes *** Break15 minutes Current Event Reports15 minutes RUP Project Mgmt Considerations15 minutes UML Overview15 minutes RUP Jeopardy45 minutes Today’s Agenda
30 Topic Duration Quiz 1 and Last Week Recap45 minutes RUP Artifacts and Assignment 230 minutes *** Break15 minutes Current Event Reports15 minutes RUP Project Mgmt Considerations15 minutes UML Overview15 minutes RUP Jeopardy45 minutes Today’s Agenda
31 Planning an Iterative Project Two Levels of Plans Phase Plan Iteration Plan Assign use cases to iterations Time boxed not allowed to slip any dates
32 Create the work plan Users requirements 1 Negotiate reqts negotiated requirements 2 Decom- pose work breakdown structure 4 Estimate resources workmonths 3 Estimate size deliverable size 5 Develop schedule Iterate as necessary
33 Phase Duration/Budget PhaseScheduleEffort Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
34 Phase Duration/Budget What if: No architecture in place? Second generation of existing product, keep existing architecture? Short time to deliver? Complex conversion and deployment?
35 Planning considerations No fixed workflows Low vs. High ceremony No frozen artifacts
36 Mapping of Roles to Workflows WorkflowRole(s) Business ModelingBusiness Designer Business-Model Reviewer Business-Process Analyst RequirementsRequirements Reviewer System Analyst Use-Case Specifier Analysis & DesignArchitect Architecture Reviewer Database Designer Design Reviewer Designer User-Interface Designer
37 Mapping of Roles to Workflows (cont.) WorkflowRole(s) ImplementationCode Reviewer Implementer System Integrator TestTest Designer Tester DeploymentCourse Developer Trainer Deployment Manager Graphic Artist Technical Writer
38 Mapping of Roles to Workflows (cont.) WorkflowRole(s) Configuration & Change Management Change Control Manager Configuration Manager Project ManagementProject Manager Project Reviewer Stakeholder EnvironmentProcess Engineer System Administrator Tool Specialist
39 Topic Duration Quiz 1 and Last Week Recap45 minutes RUP Artifacts and Assignment 230 minutes *** Break15 minutes Current Event Reports15 minutes RUP Project Mgmt Considerations15 minutes UML Overview15 minutes RUP Jeopardy45 minutes Today’s Agenda
40 Unified Modeling Language (UML) “ The Unified Modeling Language™ (UML) is the industry-standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems. It simplifies the complex process of software design, making a "blueprint" for construction” Modeling language, not a method Notation, or diagramming technique UML is independent of process Can be used with any process
41 UML Chronology Web - June 1996 UML 0.9 Unified Method 0.8 OOPSLA 95 UML 1.0 UML partners OMG Acceptance, Nov 1997 Final submission to OMG, Sept 1997 UML 1.1 UML 2.0 Latest version as of 2004 OMTBooch method OOSEOther methods Approved minor revision 2001 UML 1.4 Minor revision 1999 UML 1.3
42 Visual Modeling Using UML Actor A Use Case 1 Use Case 2 Actor B Window95 ¹®¼°ü¸® Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ®.EXE Windows NT ¹®¼°ü¸® ¿£Áø.EXE Windows NT Windows95 Solaris ÀÀ¿ë¼¹ö.EXE Alpha UNIX IBM Mainframe µ¥ÀÌŸº£À̽º¼¹ö Windows95 ¹®¼°ü¸® ¾ÖÇø´ Document FileManager GraphicFile File Repository DocumentList FileList Use Case 3 Use case diagram Class diagram Collaboration diagram Sequence diagram Component diagram Statechart diagram Deployment diagram
43 Types of UML Models Functional requirements models Use Cases Domain Models (glossary) Structural modeling Class Diagrams Object Diagrams Component Diagrams Deployment Diagrams Behavioral modeling Interaction Diagrams Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams Activity Diagrams State Chart Diagrams
44 Use Cases Typical interaction between a user and a computer system Example: Word use cases Make some text bold Create an index Content: A few paragraphs of description Essential tool in requirements capture during Inception and (mostly) during Elaboration Characteristics Captures some user-visible function May be small or large Achieves a discrete goal for the user
45 Topic Duration Quiz 1 and Last Week Recap45 minutes RUP Artifacts and Assignment 230 minutes *** Break15 minutes Current Event Reports15 minutes RUP Project Mgmt Considerations15 minutes UML Overview15 minutes RUP Jeopardy45 minutes Today’s Agenda
46 RUP Links RUP Online Demo RUP Resources ibm.com/developerworks/rational/products/rup Chicago RUP User Group (CRUG)
47 Agile Methods Beck readings Quiz 2 (take home, individual) Topics for April 27