Evaluation of Community- Based Injury Prevention Programs PhD course febr 2007 Leif Svanström
Evaluation of Community-Based Injury Prevention Programs First example Long-term evaluation of Vaeroy
Vaeroy, Norway
A lot of photos excluded!
The Role of the Health Sector !
VAEROY, NORWAY % Reduction % Reduction
PhD course jan- febr 2008 Vaeroy Multifactorial injury prevention programme started 1981 in a population of population and lasted to Method:Registration Results: from 17.7% to 9.7% during and 96% by the year 2001 Conclusion: Community program with defined aims will lead to a considerable and long-lasting reduction of injuries.
Evaluation of Community- Based Injury Prevention Programs Second example Lidköping Accid Prev Programme- children
Lidköping, Sweden
PhD course jan- febr 2008 Lidköping Children Multifactorial injury prevention programme started 1984 in a population of about 30,000 population and evaluation lasted to Method:Surveillance hospital in-patient data 1983 to 1991 Results: Annual decrease of 2.4% for boys and 2.1% for girls. Smaller decrease in control areas. Conclusion: Community program with defined aims will lead to a considerable reduction of injuries.
Evaluation of Community- Based Injury Prevention Programs Third example Helmet Wearing Programme- Sweden
Evaluation of Community- Based Injury Prevention Programs 4th example Intra-Country Differences in Child Bicycle- related Injuries in Sweden?
PhD course jan- febr 2008 Intra-Country Differences Analyze differences in trend of childhood bicycle-related in Sweden. Method:Surveillance hospital in-patient data 1987 to Children 0-14 years.Statistical method with both linear and quadratic modelling. Results: No differences South-North, except for children years. Substantial differences urban/rural areas. Conclusion: This method gives a better understanding of time trends than the traditional linear regression model only.