XBRL in the UK Peter Calvert XBRL European Technical Meeting 5 October 2006
Overview Projects in the UK –Companies House - regulator which receives company accounts –Tax authority - HMRC XBRL to be mandatory in UK for all company account and tax reporting after March 2010
Types of UK Reporting UK GAAP – Some 2.3 million unlisted companies IFRS – about 2,500 listed companies HMRC Tax Computations Other additional reporting -e.g. FSA
Nature of UK reporting No fixed format or content Accounts of most companies vary considerably in content and layout Only some of the smallest companies follow a fairly predictable format –However, this is still a large number of companies
Consequences Large and complex GAAP taxonomy Need to support company extensions Need to support varying formats => requirements for rendering Various issues arise with calculations, handling of text etc.
Plans in the UK Start with small companies, then move to more complex cases. Companies House project for XBRL filing by audit exempt companies HMRC tax computations and accounts for audit exempt companies Expand to larger companies
Taxonomy development Full UK GAAP taxonomy Extend for small companies HMRC tax computations taxonomy (Use stylesheets for rendering) Revise full UK GAAP taxonomy –Issue to software vendors for feedback and implementation
Companies House small company project Went live in December 2005 Filing by accounting software packages and by web interface About 40,000 accounts filed so far Significant increase in quality and saving of resources
Companies House implementation Companies House Taxonomy Schema Document (approx. 60 elements) uk-gaap-ae Linkbases uk-gaap-pt Taxonomy Schema Document (over 3,000 elements) Label Linkbase Reference Linkbase Taxonomy Schema Document uk-gcd Label Linkbase XBRL Instance Document
HMRC, Next Steps and UK GAAP HMRC filing of tax computations just gone live Revision of small companies extension => broader range of smaller company filing in early 2007 Revision of UK GAAP taxonomy now in final stages
Revision of UK GAAP taxonomy and expansion of XBRL filing Revised version incorporates dimensions (and new GCD) Now under internal review Release to accounting software companies in November Important implementation stage: challenge for companies and XBRL
Issues - Dimensions Important addition - much more effective representation of data Reduction in number of elements BUT complex to implement –Statistics: 34 dimensions, 22 hypercubes –Use of inheritance to simplify extension –Feedback from review and early implementation
Issues - Rendering Standard mechanism to make instances readable by humans Required by data providers for efficient instance creation and assurance Needed by regulators for efficient consumption and publication of data
Other Issues (1) Text: what text to represent and at what level of granularity Versioning: –Phased approach –Standard way of documenting typical changes –Human commentary –We should limit initial expectations
Other Issues (2) Formulae –Not a high priority for the UK –Accept limitations of calculations –Practical application and extensibility GCD –Use and reaction so far –Duplicate activity and loss of interoperability –Effort required - put on agenda for future consideration
SUMMARY OF XBRL IN THE UK Successful implementation for fixed format and simple accounts Now face challenge of implementing for large, variable format accounts with company extensions Deadlines; requirements for international deliverables