Rare ISotope INvestigation at GSI Status of the relativistic beam campaign Introduction Fast beam physics program Experimental methods Status and perspectives.


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Presentation transcript:

Rare ISotope INvestigation at GSI Status of the relativistic beam campaign Introduction Fast beam physics program Experimental methods Status and perspectives P. Reiter for the RISING collaboration Workshop: RISING with stopped beams University of Surrey, March 29 – 30, 2004

RISING introduction RISING physics with stopped beams, March 29/30, 2004 Surrey GSI Program Advisory Committee January 26/27, 2004 Darmstadt 4 RISING proposals Commissioning & first experiments August-October 2003 GSI Program Advisory Committee June 20/21, 2002 Darmstadt 12 RISING proposals Physics with RISING at GSI, March 22, 2002 Orsay RISING physics with relativistic HI-beams, April 6, 2001 Darmstadt RISING physics with stopped beams, March 9, 2001 Göttingen RISING physics with slowed-down beams, April 2/3, 2001 Legnaro Physics with EUROBALL detectors at GSI, November 23/24, 2000 Darmstadt

High resolution  -spectroscopy at the FRS RISING fragmentation and fission of primary beams projectile energy 400 – 750 MeV/u primary targets: Be or Pb Dipoles: Identification of fragmentation product (A,Z)  -spectroscopy at secondary target Channel selection after target (A,Z) Tracking before/after secondary target FRS

RISING approved experiments No.Nuclei of Interest Primary Beam SpokespersonsExperiment Type approved (days) 1 32,34 Mg 48 CaP. Mayet 2 step fragmentation lifetime Cr, 53 Ni, 45 Sc, 53 Mn 58 NiM. Bentley2 step fragmentation Ni 86 KrA. BraccoCoulex, E1 strength Ca, 66 Fe 86 Kr H. Grawe, H. Hübel P. Reiter Coulex, Br 78 Kr F. Becker 2 step fragmentation Kr, 90 Sr, 86 Se 238 UJ. JolieCoulex, Sn 124 Xe C. Fahlander M. Górska Coulex, Sn 238 UG. de AngelisKnock-out Xe 136 XeA. MajCoulex, Angular Distr Te 136 XeK.-H. SpeidelCoulex, g-factor Nd 144 SmT. SaitoCoulex ,186,187 Pb 238 U J. Gerl, A. Andreyev G.D. Dracoulis 2 step fragmentation lifetime 8

Physics program 66 Fe 53 Ni 32,34 Mg Sn 68 Ni 134 Te 132 Sn Shell structure of unstable magic- and double magic nuclei

Isospin symmetry at N=Z 50 Fe 50 Mn 50 Cr 46 V 46 Cr 46 Ti 53 Co 49 Fe 45 Cr 53 Fe 55 Ni 55 Co 45 V 45 Ti 43 Ti 43 Sc 41 Ca 41 Sc 53 Ni 45 Sc 42 Ti 42 Sc 42 Ca f 7/2 -shell T= 1/2 T= 1 T=3/2 no excited states 45 Cr, 49 Fe, 53 Ni 69 Br ?

Shapes and shape coexistence ,186,187 Pb 136 Nd potential energy surface for 186 Pb

 -decay of the GDR in the Exotic Nucleus 68 Ni Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) : basic collective excitation modes effective NN interactions Evolution of GDR strength in exotic nuclei : Fine structures GDR strength at lower energy astrophysical implications RISING: relativistic Coulomb excitation (virtual photon scattering)  -decay branch:    tot ~ Relativistic RPA, Vretenar et al. 68 Ni 78 Ni 58 Ni 48 Ni

experimental methods Established methods: Coulomb excitation - first 2 + states => B(E2) - giant dipole resonance (virtual photon absorption) Secondary fragmentation - excited states at higher spins and excitation energy

RISING new developments Coulomb excitation - -Low lying states B(E1), B(E2, 0 + gs -> 2 + 1,2,3 ) states + angular correlation states + g-factor

 -decay of the GDR in the Exotic Nucleus 68 Ni Excited via Coulomb Excitation  -decay of the GDR in the Exotic Nucleus 68 Ni reaction 68 Ni (400 MeV/A) + nat Pb (2 g/cm 2 ) BaF 2 for the whole GDR strength function Ge cluster for the Pygmy part HECTOR 6 BaF 2 detectors efficiency at high energies:

knock-out reactions Spectroscopic factors:  -ray intensity of excited states in the A-1 fragment. No l-value of ejected nucleon, missing momentum distribution. Recoil momentum  -decay of excited states 132 Sn

Shape evolution in n-rich Mg nuclei Primary beam : 48 Ca Secondary beam : 38 Si SISFRS S4 Secondary fragmentation & lifetime measurement targets: Au : 3 x 0.3 g/cm mm2.1 mm 38 Si 100 MeV/u EE 22 32 Mg,  2 E2E2 11 32 Mg,  1 E1E1 33 32 Mg,  3 E3E3

RISING timetable Cluster shipment annealing, assembly, testing and mounting assembly of support structure VXI-MBS tests (S4) beam time Commissioning I Commissioning II New Shell Structure at N>>Z Isospin Symmetry, Coulomb Effects Coulomb Excitation Near 100 Sn beam 132 Xe 84 Kr 58 Ni 124 Xe date Aug 06 – Aug 11 Sep 12 – Sep 21 Sep 22 – Sep 28 Oct 11 - Oct 20 Oct 21 - Oct 27

short term outlook 2004 Block 2/2004: March 31 - May 21 (Therapy: March 31 - April 30) RISING: May 1 – 18 - E1 strength in 68 Ni RISING & HECTOR - Shell structure in N>>Z nuclei Block 3/2004: July 14 - October 7 (Therapy: July 14 - August 13) Block 4/2004: Oct. 27 – Dec. 16 (Therapy: Oct. 27 – Nov. 26) RISING: Nov. 29 – Dec. 12 RISING & MINIBALL 2005   Winter: RISING & MINIBALL Increased  -efficiency: % SIS beam time is shared between: HADES FRS & ESR mass measurements RISING RISING & MINIBALL

Summary RISING fast beam campaign - - started data taking on time in 2003 First experiments - - Coulomb excitation of stable 84 Kr (commissioning) - - Coulomb excitation of fragments: 56 Cr, 108 Sn, 112 Sn - - Spectroscopy after secondary fragmentation of 55 Ni see talks: N. Hashimoto, M. Gorska, A. Bürger, M. Bentley