Constructing a Survey with Birnbaum’s SurveyWiz A 5 Minute Introduction to putting your Survey on the WWW
Step Back: The Big Picture Plan to Answer a Question Design the Survey Prepare for the Web (SurveyWiz) Test Survey, Data, and Analysis Upload to WWW Publicize & Recruit Participation Analyze Data to Answer the Question
Steps Plan the Data Analysis First Write, Edit, and Perfect the Survey Will it Answer the Question? Write the Long Title: To Participants Write the Short Title: To Researchers Write the File Name: e.g., YouLike.htm Enter in SurveyWiz, Review, Edit Save on Desktop with.htm extension (Next Lecture: Upload via FTP to server)
Example: Is Correlation Between Fear of Driving and Accidents Positive or Negative? Causation vs Correlation--fear might cause safer driving, accidents might cause fear, etc. Meas No. Accidents & Fear of Driving Long Title: Fear of Driving Short Title: DrivingFear1 Filename: Driving_Fear1.htm
Free Web Site: For Today’s lecture choose SurveyWiz3
Final Steps Edit HTML, e.g., BGCOLOR=papayawhip Edit Instructions Push “Save” Button, which reminds you to copy the HTML to a Text Editor (NotePad, not Word) Save with.htm extension, DrivingFear.htm Check that it works Retrieve and View the Data
Next Lectures: Checking the HTML Checking the Data Coding Pilot Testing Uploading to WWW Further Testing (browsers, systems) Publicizing Data Analysis