Exploring Junctions of Filamentary Structure with SUZAKU Hajime Kawahara (TMU)
~ 80 % of Baryons is still missing Stars in Galaxies ~ 10 % Hot gases in Galaxy Clusters ~ 10 %
FOV is so small 70 Mpc Simulated Universe ( Takei+ 2011) Galaxy clusters Detectable by Low sensitivity sky surveys Field of View of High sensitivity Satellites
Suzaku search for emission from missing baryons Nearby of a massive cluster Akamatsu+2011 Middle of two massive clusters Mitsuishi+2011 No missing baryon was found.
SDSS galaxy map
RA DEC Points: SDSS spectroscopic galaxies Curves: DisPerSE : filament extractor Sousbie 2011, Sousbie, Pichon, & Kawahara 2011 Points: SDSS spectroscopic galaxies Curves: DisPerSE : filament extractor Sousbie 2011, Sousbie, Pichon, & Kawahara 2011 Kawahara+ApJL 2011 z
Massive Cluster A2142 Rosat All Sky Survey
The referee might need courage to accept the observation of “blank fields” $ 30 billion (total)/ 5 years x 80 ksec = $ million for “blank field” ! Thank you very much for accepting
Massive Cluster A2142 Rosat All Sky Survey
Kawahara, Yoshitake, Nishimichi & Sousbie ApJL, 727, L38 (2011) X-ray Brightness keV (10 4 cnt/s/cm2/sr) Hardness Ratio H= ,S= keV Optical image (DSS)
−0.11 (STAT) ±0.05 (SYS) keV (STAT) ±0.28 (SYS) keV Merging group Suzaku J
Anderson kpc redshift Bullet cluster Suzaku J A1750 A2142 A1758
Massive Cluster A2142 Merging Galaxy Group Suzaku J keV 1.6 keV Suzaku J is not WHIM ( < 1 keV ) But was Missing Baryon
In 2011 (Suzaku AO-6 period)
How to select the targets ? In 2011 (AO6) DisPerSe + SDSS DR7 3D Structure X-ray Map (RASS) BCG like galaxy
Sekiya, HK + in prep Junction 1 Junction 2 Junction 3 T ~ 0.7 keVT ~ 1.3 keV T ~ 0.7 keV ? Preliminary results of 3 new junctions Hardness Ratio (0.5-1 & 1-5 keV)
XMM If observing good positions, even current satellites can glance the low-T missing world of the Universe Star: major merger Conclusions local universe ROSAT Chandra