Electromagnetic de-excitation via internal conversion.


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Presentation transcript:

Electromagnetic de-excitation via internal conversion

Kinematics 0.0 Ef*Ef* Ei*Ei*  de-excitation IC de-excitation

Alternate paths… Internal conversion A mechanism that competes with photon emission for nuclear E-M de-excitation is internal electron conversion -- internal conversion coefficient

Alternate paths… Internal conversion different atomic states total conversion coefficient partial conversion coefficients Branching ratio measure this!

Physics of  Nuclear wave functionselectron wave functions Multipolar source Same for both  and IC bound state electron free particle electron Approximately constant over nuclear volume Fermi’s golden rule c.f. Segre 8.4

Physics of  c.f. Segre 8.4 From atomic wave functions fine structure constant  1/137 excitation energy Approximations: - non-relativistic - simplified wave fns - point nucleus

Physics of  1.  increases as Z 3 ; heaver nuclides have larger  2.  decreases as with increasing E 3.  increases with increasing L 4.  (L) larger for ML than EL 5.  decreases as 1/n 3 for e  from higher atomic states …increasing  implies e >  Calculations…  online… Consider 0 +  0 + ; d  /dt = ?