10 Standard Costs and Variance Analysis Chapter Fewer units sold Fewer units produced DM and DL usage and prices are different than anticipated How do you compare? Comparison of Actual vs. Budget for Beal Manufacturing
Actual Static Budget Sales CGS Sell & Admin Var Fixed Gross Marg Oper Inc $1,800,000 1,252, , ,000 $ 547, units $ 168,787 $1,975,000 1,264, , , units $ 320,400 $ 711,000 Comparing actual results to the static budget is not very useful. Some of the difference is due to sales volume. Some is due to inefficiency. A flexible budget is helpful.
Actual Flexible Budget Static Budget Sales CGS Sell & Admin Var Fixed Gross Marg Oper Inc $1,800,000 1,252, , ,000 $ 547, units $ 168,787 $1,975,000 1,264, , , units $ 320,400 $ 711,000 Flexible budget based on budgeted rates and actual units sold
Actual Flexible Budget Variance Flexible Budget Sales Volume Variance Static Budget Sales CGS Sell & Admin Var Fixed Gross Marg Oper Inc $1,800,000 1,252, , ,000 $ 547, units $ 168,787 $1,975,000 1,264, , , units $ 320,400 $ 711,000 $1,875,000 1,200, , ,000 $ 675, units $290,000 Net impact of low sales volume. Deserves a closer look.
Actual DM DL Manuf OH Variable Fixed CG Manuf $120, , , , units $1,305,580 23,100 lbs $ ,100 hrs $14.60 ? DM- input - price DL- input - price VOH - rate $5.90 Flexible Budget $ 117, , , ,000 $1,256, units List the detail for actual production costs. List corresponding detail for a flexible budget.
Actual Price Variance Act Input x Budg Price Usage Variance Flexible Budget DM DL Manuf OH Variable Fixed CG Manuf $120, , , , units $1,305,580 23,100 lbs $ ,100 hrs $14.60 $5.90 DM- input - price DL- input - price VOH - rate $ 117, , , ,000 $1,256, units 23,400 lbs $ ,000 hrs $15.00 $6.00
Actual Flexible Budget DM Usage Variance DM- input - price DL- input - price VOH - rate 7800 units 23,400 lbs $ ,000 hrs $15.00 $ ,100 lbs $ ,100 hrs $14.60 $ units Diff in UsagexBudg Price Diff in PricexActual Used DM Price Variance Diff in PricexActual Purch or….. Quick Calculations for the CPA Exam
DL Usage Variance Diff in UsagexBudg Price Diff in PricexActual Used DL Price Variance Actual Flexible Budget DM- input - price DL- input - price VOH - rate 7800 units 23,400 lbs $ ,000 hrs $15.00 $ ,100 lbs $ ,100 hrs $14.60 $ units Quick Calculations for the CPA Exam
DM Usage Variance $ 4,620 U $ 1,500 F DM Price Variance DL Usage Variance $16,040 F $16,500 U DL Price Variance Possible Causes of Variances
Unfavorable variances might indicate potential problems. excessively high prices from suppliers high defect rate poor production scheduling etc. Favorable variances might indicate potential problems. poor quality materials workers lacking necessary skills corners cut in production Understanding Variances
Problems might be beyond the control of the production manager. poor product design rush orders causing congestion Understanding Variances
Journal Entries to Record Variances Two ways of recording DM and DL record DM and DL at actual cost (Chpt 3) report variances in statements that compare actual to budget record DM and DL at standard cost (Chpt 10) record variances at time of transaction Raw Materials $5)125,000 5,000 A/P $5.20)130,000 Standard cost Actual cost
WIP (7,800 x 3 lbs x $5 / lb)117,000 1,500 Raw Mater (23,100 x $5 / lb)115,500 Standard usage WIP (7,800 x 5 hrs x $15 / hr)585,000 DL Price Variance Wages Pay. (40,100 x $14.60)585,460 DL Usage Variance Actual usage Standard usage and cost Actual usage and cost