VSZOSZ conference June Budapest Leo Kooyman NL
Inhabitants : 16 million Unemployment rate : 4,5% National minimum wage: 1416€ / month National assistance : 656 / 1313 month (fam) Special act sheltered employment pwd Municipalities are obliged to take care of: - sheltered / supported employment (wsw) - national assistance benefits (wwb ) - provisions for p.w.d. / home / care/ transport Municipalities are the shareholders of the companies KOOYMAN AdvieSWerk
Targetgroup: disadvantage p.w.d for regular labour market, with still capacities >15% Selection committee employed at waiting list 95 executive organizations 40% inside workshops, 30 % facilitary services, 30% in secundment and subsidised jobs Wages= normal. No relation with productivity Average wage: 125 % of the Nat. Min. Wage 30% physically -, 30% mentally-, 40 % psychically disabled Average subsidy 70% of the total cost ( wages) Fulltime job = 36 h/w 25.ooo p/pwd KOOYMAN AdvieSWerk
Doing more than only Wsw wsw, training and preparation (temporary) Staff 1:10 Cooperations with regular companies Joint ventures Well equiped, modern, professional staff, compatative, enterprenurial
Starts in 1969, declaration system Restyled 1989 budgetsystem, targets Restyled balanced legislations a) sheltered empl b) long unemployed Restyled 2005 Pressing on transistions and supported employment No quota system “ no risk” arrangement for employers ( p.w.d)
WSw waiting list ( 125% wage ) / young disabled jobseekers ( max % income) in Nat assistance program( WWB) ( 80%)
New goverment, financial problems Create a new approach: “work due your capacity” in regular work for all people at the lower part of the labour market, but for the real pwd a separete law Combination of income based at productivity and income from nat assistence ( max 100%)
Municipalities want to have one general law Do not change the model and cut the subsidy Extra budget for tranformation ( 400mln ?) Respect the rights of the old population How to convinced employers NL, no quoata system, no nondiscrimination
Is a jobseeker with a disability equal to a long time unemployed person If you change systems how to deal with rights and lifelong garanties Are employers looking for pwd or for cheap labour ( Poland, Romania) Enterprises want to have the possibilities: a) secundment against own employment b) to place orders/ contracts c) to be served by specialised providers
Equal rights Normal income Employers rights / trade unions Development of skills / training Doing normal work / products/services
Q & A Thank you for your attention