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Presentation transcript:

Breaks Breaks Meals Meals Dress Dress Participation Participation Attendance Attendance T-I-2

Personal Appraisal Career Exploration Strategies for an Effective Job Search Interviews Reviewing Job Offers Support and Assistance T-I-3

Objective: Recognize the importance of developing a stress reduction plan T-1.1-1

“A mismatch between the demands in our lives, and the resources we have available to deal with those demands. ” T-1.1-2

 Is a normal part of our lives  It may be positive or negative  We can’t avoid stress Stress is any change that you must adjust to... T-1.1-3

 Develop and maintain a plan to manage the effects of stress  Seek professional assistance if needed T-1.1-4

T Objectives: Gather the information and records you need in order to create a resume, fill out a job application, and prepare for a job interview Deal effectively with the strengths and challenges arising from military experience Identify your transferable skills that can be used in a variety of jobs

WORK EXPERIENCE Work History (job titles, employers, duties, accomplishments) Work Samples Honors and Citations Community Activities Salary History Licenses Certifications PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION Birth Certificate (copy) Proof of Citizenship Social Security Card Passport (current) EDUCATION AND TRAINING Transcripts Diplomas/Certificates Honors Activities List T MILITARY SERVICE Separation Papers – DD Form 214 (certified copy or copy 4) Training Record Honors and Awards DD Form 2586 – Verification of Military Experience and Training Service Record Medical Record Benefits

 Personal Information  Education and Training  Special Skills  Military Service  Work Experience  Other Information T-1.2-3

STRENGTHS:  Leadership  Discipline  Training  Accountability/Recordkeeping  Teamwork  Work with diverse groups  Work under pressure T-1.3-1

STRENGTHS:  Plan Systematically  Safety  Follow Directions  Drug Free  Maturity  Security Clearance T-1.3-2

CHALLENGES:  Communications  Stereotypes  Unrealistic Expectations  Credentials T-1.3-3

Objectives: Identify your work-related values Determine your personal preferences Explain why your work-related values and preferences are important in making job decisions T-1.5-1

Objectives: Identify and research career possibilities Determine your financial needs as a way of estimating your salary requirements T-2.1-1

Short-Range Intermediate-Range Long-Range T-3.1-2

Employment goals need to be SMART: pecific easurable daptable ealistic rackable T-3.1-3

Objectives: Plan an effective job search Understand how to conduct company research Learn about job assistance resources Understand how to begin using the internet as part of the job search process Analyze job announcements and ads for critical information T-3.3-1



1. Internet 2. State Workforce Agency (Employment Office) 3. Local Veteran’s Employment Representatives (LVER) 4. Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment T-3.5-1

5.Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT), U.S. Department of Labor 6. Private Employment Services 7. College/School Placement Agencies 8. Military and Professional Associations and Organizations T-3.5-2

9. Telephone Directory Yellow Pages, Industry Directory 10. Industrial and Craft Unions 11. Job Fairs 12. Transition Offices 13. Chambers of Commerce T-3.5-3

Objectives: Understand how to complete application forms Understand how to find opportunities for Federal Civil Service Employment Understand how to initiate the Federal application process T-3.8-1

Objectives: Understand how to write effective resumes Begin to translate military experience into job skills Understand how to write effective cover letters T

T One reason the Services have trouble operating jointly is that they don’t speak the same language. For example, if you told Navy personnel to “secure a building,” they would turn off the lights and lock the doors. The Army would occupy so no one could enter. Marines would assault the building, capture it, and defend it with suppressive fire and close combat. The Air Force, on the other hand, would take out a year lease with an option to buy.

T TEAM LEADER: This position is responsible for ensuring a given team is fulfilling its role and running smoothly. Team leaders are not responsible for doing all jobs that fall within a team’s objectives but are responsible for making sure these jobs are done. SUPERVISOR: This position is responsible for either direct supervision or assisting the manager in every day operations. Responsibilities include: supervision of personnel, overseeing daily operations, assisting with financial and budgetary matters. Ability to interact with front line staff and customers, and the ability to review work progress.

T MANAGER: This position is responsible for supervision of professional administrative and hourly employees. Individuals holding this position must have the ability to organize and negotiate. DIRECTOR: This position is responsible for development and management of programs, divisions or areas. Most normal duties and responsibilities are handled independently. They often help establish procedures and policies. Responsible for decisions related to the development and execution of strategic plans affecting the organization.

 Marital Status  Children  Spouse  Age  Race  Religion  Politics  Height/Weight  Health  Salary T

Use Action Verbs Related to: People Things Ideas T

Objectives: Prepare for interviews Prepare to take employment tests as part of the interview process T PREPARE

T Introductory Stage Employer Questions Applicant Questions Closing Stage

Objectives: Prepare a personal 30-second commercialPrepare a personal 30-second commercial Prepare for the interviewPrepare for the interview T-4.3-1

Be prepared Be punctual Look good Watch your body language Carry a portfolio Be enthusiastic Say thank you Smile T-4.4-1

Objectives: Learn how to dress appropriately for a job interview T-4.5-1

impressions are T impressions.

Objectives: Sharpen listening skills Interpret body language T-4.6-1

Control distractions Use nonverbal signals Paraphrase Focus on key words Ask clarifying questions Take notes T-4.6.2


Objectives: Prepare to answer employer questions Prepare questions to ask of employers T-4.8-1

Be brief Use examples Show thought Make connections Tell how you work T-4.8-2

Objectives: Evaluate interviews Write thank you letters as a follow- up to an interview Analyze a rejection subsequent to an interview T

SOMETIMES THE COMPANY:  Hires from within  Hires a more experienced applicant  Does not hire T

SOMETIMES YOU:  Are over-qualified  Have a conflicting work style T

PERSONAL PRESENTATION:  Appearance  Handshake  Tone of voice  Speech/grammar T

PERSONAL PRESENTATION:  Language  Late or rushed  Aggressive  Lack of confidence, courtesy or enthusiasm T

PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES AND VALUES:  Lack of goals  Focus on short term  Cynical or defensive attitude  Lack of interest in company or position  Unpleasant attitude T

INTERVIEW SKILLS:  Poor eye contact or body language  Focus on money  Evasive answers  Negative responses  Lack of preparation T

Objectives: Evaluate job offers Negotiate terms of employment Effectively communicate decisions to employers T-5.1-1

Be serious about issues Research issues to support position Remember salary usually does not include benefits Be prepared to negotiate T-5.2-1


Objective: Understand available resources T-6.1-1