Vinodh Cuppu and Bruce Jacob, University of Maryland Concurrency, Latency, or System Overhead: which Has the Largest Impact on Uniprocessor DRAM- System Performance? Richard Wells ECE 7810 April 21, 2009
The University of Utah Reservations The paper is old Presented at ISCA 2001 Only considers uniprocessor systems They draw some conclusions that while valid are focused on their research goals Papers relating to our groups project are not prevalent in recent years, except one already presented at the architecture reading club.
The University of Utah Overview Investigate DRAM system organization parameters to determine bottleneck Determine synergy or antagonism between groups of parameters Empirically determine the optimal DRAM system configuration
The University of Utah Methodologies to increase system performance Concurrent transactions Reducing latency Reduce system overhead
The University of Utah Previous approaches to reduce memory system overhead DRAM Component Increase bandwidth Current “tack” taken by the PC industry Reduce DRAM latency ESDRAM SRAM cache for the full row buffer Allows precharge to begin immediately after access FCRAM Subdivide internal bank by activating only a portion of each wordline
The University of Utah Previous approaches to reduce memory system overhead (cont.) Reduce capacitance on word access to 30 ns (2001) MoSys Subdivides storage into a large number of very small banks Reduces latency of DRAM core to nearly that of SRAM VCDRAM Set-associative SRAM buffer that holds a number of sub-pages
The University of Utah The Jump DRAM oriented approaches do reduce application execution time Because zero latency DRAM doesn’t reduce the overhead of memory system to zero, bus transactions are considered Other factors considered Turnaround time Queuing delays Inefficiencies due to asymmetric read/write requests Multiprocessor - Arbitration and Cache coherence would add to overhead
The University of Utah CPU – DRAM Channel Access reordering (cited Impulse group here at the U) Compacts sparse data into densely-packed bus transactions Reduces the number of bus transactions Possibly reduces duration of bus transaction
The University of Utah Increasing concurrency Different banks on the same channel Independent channels to different banks Pipelined requests Split-transaction bus
The University of Utah Decreasing channel latency Due to channel contention Back to back read requests Read arriving during precharge Narrow channels Large data burst size
The University of Utah Addressing System Overhead Bus turnaround time Dead cycles due to asymmetric read/write shapes Queuing overhead Coalescing queued requests Dynamic re-prioritization of requests
The University of Utah Timing Assumptions 10 ns address 70 ns until burst starts on a read 40 ns until a write can start
The University of Utah Split Transaction Bus Assumptions Overlapping Supported Back-to-back reads Back-to-back read/write pairs
The University of Utah Burst Ordering, Coalescing Critical-burst first, non-critical burst second, writes last Coalesce writes followed by reads
The University of Utah Bit Addressing & Page Policy Bit assignments chosen to exploit page mode and maximize degree of memory concurrency Most significant bits identify the smallest-scale component in the system Least significant bits identify the largest-scale component in the system Allows sequential addresses to be stripped across channels maximizing concurrency Close-page auto-precharge policy
The University of Utah Simulation Environment SimpleScalar (used in 6810) 2 GHz clock L1 caches 64Kb/64Kb, 2-way set associative L2 cache unified 1Mb, 4-way set associative, 10 cycle access time Lock-up free cache using miss status holding register (MSHR)
The University of Utah Timing Calculations CPU + DRAM determined by running a second simulation with perfect primary memory (available on next cycle)
The University of Utah Results – Degrees of Freedom Bus Speed: 800 MHz Bus width:1, 2, 4, 8 bytes Channels:1, 2, 4 Banks/Channel:1, 2, 4, 8 Queue Size:infinite, 0, 1, 2, 8, 16, 32 Turnaround:0, 1 cycles R/W shapes:symmetric, asymmetric
The University of Utah Results – Execution Times Assumes infinite request queue System parameters can lead to widely varying CPI
The University of Utah Results – Turnaround and Banks Turnaround only accounts for 5% of system related overhead Banks/Channel accounts for 1.2x – 2x variation – shows concurrency is important Latency accounts for over about 50% of CPI
The University of Utah Results – Burst Length vs. BW Accounts for 10-30% of execution time Wider channels have optimal performance with larger bursts Narrow channels have optimal performance with smaller bursts
The University of Utah Results - Concurrency
The University of Utah Results – Concurrency (Cont.) Increasing the number of banks typically increases performance, but not always much Many narrow channels is risky because application might not have much inherent concurrency Optimal 1 channel x 4 bytes x 64 byte burst, 2 channel x 2 bytes x 64 byte burst, 1 channel x 4 bytes x 128 byte burst Performance varies depending on the concurrency of the benchmark
The University of Utah Results – Concurrency (Cont.) “We find that, in a uniprocessor setting, concurrency is very important, but it is not more important than latency.... However, we find that if, in an attempt to increase support for concurrent transactions, one interleaves very small bursts or fragments the DRAM bus into multiple channels, one does so at the expense of latency, and this expense is too great for the levels of concurrency being produced.”
The University of Utah Results – Request Queue Size
The University of Utah Results – Request Queue Size How queuing benefits system performance Sub-blocks of different read requests can be interleaved Writes can be buffered until read-burst traffic has died down Read and write requests may be coalesced Applications with significant write activity see more benefit from queuing Bzip has many more writes than GCC Anomalies attributed to requests with temporal locality go to the same bank. With a small queue they are delayed.
The University of Utah Conclusions Tuning system level parameters can improve the memory system performance by 40% Bus turnaround – 5-10% Banks – 1.2x – 2x Burst length vs. bandwidth – 10%-30% Concurrency Smaller bursts to allow for interleaving is not a good idea because it limits concurrency
The University of Utah Our Project To evaluate the effect of mat array size on power and latency of the DRAM chips. Simulators Cacti DRAMSim Simics Predicted Results Positive Decreased memory latency Decreased power profile DIMM parallelism increase Negative Decreased row buffer hit rates Decreased memory capacity (for same chip area) Increase the important cost/bit metric
The University of Utah How project relates to the paper Trying to decrease the memory system bottlenecks Although we have evaluated bottlenecks differently Jacob indirectly showed the importance of minimizing DRAM latency DRAM latency was largest portion of CPI so Amdahl’s law would justify reducing latency Both our solutions could work together synergistically
The University of Utah Additional thoughts The current path of DRAM innovation has limitations DRAM chips and DIMMs need to undergo fundamental changes, of which this could be a step Helps power efficiency Can balance with cost effectiveness Partially addresses the memory gap
The University of Utah Questions Questions?