Input-Output Analysis of Climate Change: Case Study of Efficiency Driven Policy Choice of Indian Response Strategy Joyashree Roy Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India with Jayant Sathaye Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley CA and Sarmistha Das, Raman Khaddaria Jadavpur University
Issues l Economics of Climate Change l Impact of climate variability on economic activities l Response analysis: Climate, Non-Climate Policies. l Technology policy, energy policies etc. with indirect climate mitigation potential. l National through regional to global scale. l Global scale models are facing challenges: high level of aggregation, lack of flexibility in scaling down l National level impact on sustainable development goals of mitigation policies ? l Mainstreaming of of climate policy ?
Reference case: carbon emission
Marginal Abatement Cost (2030): India
Goal and Motivation Goal To estimate macro level impact on employment, output of Indian economy of an “increased efficiency” Motivation To address : Shortage in electricity and capacity addition through Reduction of electricity intensity
Methodology l Efficiency-Employment Integrated Model (EEIM) for the Indian economy l Investment balance framework l Model that arithmetically matches annual capacity expansion plans and efficiency options l Multipliers from I-O model l Six energy efficiency measures –four target the productive industrial, commercial and agricultural sectors –efficient refrigerators and half of the compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) target the residential or consumptive sectors.
Overview of electricity sector l Generation capacity (end 9 th Plan): 103 GW l (Th=63%, Hy=21%,N=2%, NU=14%) l GDP increased 3.5 times ( ) l Electricity Consumption increased 7 times ( ) l Per capita Consumption is 360 kWh in l Consumption in : –Domestic and agricultural – 52% –Industrial consumption – 31% l T&D loss 25% in l Shortfall in capacity addition 9 th Plan: 53% (A=19015 MW T=40245 MW) l Tenth plan target is MW
Electricity Generation Increased Faster than GDP Until 1991 but has Increased at the Same Rate Since Then (About $0.75 GDP per kWh)
Proposed Capacity Addition (MW)in the Tenth Five Year Plan ( ) CentralStatePrivateTotal Thermal (62%) Hydro (35%) Nuclear (3%) Total ( 100%)
Increasing Efficiency in Electricity Use Tenth Plan Goal l improve efficiency in all segments—generation, transmission and distribution and also power consumption. l achieve through Implementation of Energy conservation act, Determine minimum power consumption standard, Label for identified appliances, Introduce norms/ rules and regulations for power intensive industries, Formulate energy consumption code, Establish a energy conservation fund both at the state and the central level, Establishment of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in place of Energy Management Centre (EMC) Declare a user or a class of user of energy as a designated consumer
10 th Plan Employment Projections –Unemployment will grow from 9.2% at the beginning to 11% at the end of the plan period on the basis of base line scenario of 6.5% growth of GDP. –New employment opportunities are needed.
Investment scenario l At an average cost of US $ 900 /kW for 41,110 MW capacity 10 th plan additions –Corresponding Total investment for the 10 th Plan: Rs. 1,548 billion or US $ 36 billion
Alternative Investment Scenarios l Capacity Addition Scenario l Target: 41,110 MW l Anticipated achievement based on 9 th plan experience (actual/target): 22,552 MW l USD900/Kw : $ 20,297 million l 10 th plan capacity shortage : 13,159 MW l Efficiency Scenario l Goal – Maintaining same investment in both scenarios l Adopt available efficiency options l Estimate MW gain due to efficiency l Remaining demand to be met through capacity addition l Compare output and employment impact
Efficiency Scenario: Investment Estimate l Gain from Efficiency options:16, 701 MW –Variable speed drives in industry = 3,440 MW –Ag. Pump rectification = 3,039 MW –Motor rewinding downsizing = 3,315 MW –High efficiency agricultural pump sets = 3,315 MW –Improved high efficiency refrigerators= 829 MW –CFLs and Electronic Ballasts = 2,763 MW l Total investment: US $ 3,112 million l Ratio : million US $ 19/MW efficiency l Assumptions: l Electricity (kWh) demand – supply gap: 6% l PLF : 66% l Corresponding electricity savings: 52,347 GWh or US $ 10,156 million l Total supply capacity added: 19,116 MW l Compare output and employment impact
Estimated Macro parameters: multipliers and direct coefficients l Output multipliers (million US $/final demand) l Manufacturing l 2.21 l Construction l 2.05 l Electricity, Gas and Water Supply l 2.24 l Aggregate Economy l 1.79 l Employment: multiplier/coeff. (‘000 person years per million US $) l Manufacturing l 5.1 l 16 l Construction l 5.3 l 16.6 l Electricity, Gas and Water Supply l 3.4 l 10.5 l Aggregate Economy l 6.3 l 19.77
Impact on GDP and Employment l Effect on gross output over 5 years (m.US $) l Scenario I l Capacity creation only through investment in construction sector multiplier effect would generate $ 41, 608 million. l Scenario II l Efficiency +capacity addition $ 42,147 (additional US $ 538 million) l Effect on employment (person years) l Scenario I l million l Scenario II l million
Additional economy wide gain from efficiency scenario Scenario I –Actual addition possible 22 GW. –Additional capacity demand 35 GW Scenario II -capacity creation 19 GW -Potential generation by efficiency gain 16 GW Outcome - Less spending by way of less capacity creation -Surplus generated by sectors adopting efficient technologies Makes up for less investment in capacity creation and Surplus generated if ploughed back into the economy can additional output and employment at the end of 10 th Plan: –US $ 18,179 million –64.3 million person years
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