Columbia Hypermedia IMmersion Environment CHIME
Motivation Even small projects may involve hundreds of artifacts, a dozen or more participants dispersed across multiple sites, and complex workflows –Sheer volume and heterogeneous repositories make it difficult to find what one needs to do one’s work, or to understand relationships among artifacts and tasks –Conventional WYSIWIS and desktop videoconferencing groupware don’t scale –Hard for new project members to come up to speed or existing project members to coordinate
Approach Multidisciplinary –Multi-User Domains (MUDs) –Open Hypermedia Systems –3D Visualization –Web Technologies 3D virtual world incrementally laid out from information structure and dependencies, and/or project process –Artifacts reside in their original repositories and are manipulated with the original tools, only metadata extracted –New team members collaborate with “old-timers” who may be in different physical locations but same virtual space –Users are aware, not just of other users’ presence, but of what they’re currently doing with which artifacts
Theme Manager Theme 2Theme 1 Virtual Environment Modeler Heterogeneous Data Data Service
Challenges “Groupspace” data strewn across remote repositories –How to generate appropriate structural metadata, and map to container, connector and component subtypes Artifacts added, modified, deleted, merged, split, moved –How to automatically detect changes and reflect incrementally in “groupview” layout and content Complexity of underlying project –How to design an information immersion “theme” that provides a useful spatial metaphor intuition
Projects Rewrite 3D client (e.g., using game engine) Multimedia support (e.g., streaming video on room wall) Peeking into adjacent rooms, corridors, etc. Rewrite or replace Data Service Integrate external tools and other behaviors (e.g., bots) Seamlessly morph virtual world as backend data changes
Kinesthetics eXtreme - KX
Motivating Scenario: Run-time monitoring and repair of arbitrary distributed systems
Let’s probe into this raw events
Package things up raw events Smart Events
Check things out raw events Smart Events
Hmm… this doesn’t look right raw events Smart Events
Get the word out raw events Smart Events Smart Events
Gauging what’s up raw events Smart Events Smart Events
Send out the gaugents raw events Smart Events Smart Events
Reconfigure raw events Smart Events Smart Events
Challenges CHIME 3 –Apply KX to monitoring backend data changes and then morphing client world views for live users Adaptive Interactive Internet Team Video (AI2TV) with Profs. John Kender and Jason Nieh –Apply KX to variable-bandwidth synchronizing of streaming video for team distance learning Workgroup Cache –Group-oriented prefetch/push rules to reduce latency and propagate knowledge for both CHIME and AI2TV
Projects Flexible XML (FleXML) relaxations of XML for smart events and information objects Complex event pattern notations/recognizers addressing distributed computing protocols and temporal relationships Worklet mobile agents for deploying/updating probes, gauges, event patterns, etc. Decentralized workflow management for worklet/gaugent coordination Prefetching, pushing and search contextualization models and algorithms WHEATIES (Wimpy HandhEld-Accessible Tracking, Identification and Error correction System) – KX for PDAs