Creating and Maintaining Healthy Child Care Environments Kathleen Parrott, Ph.D. Associate Professor Extension Housing Specialist Virginia Tech
...Safeguarded from Open and Obvious Hazards loose carpeting lead paints choking hazards sharp objects plastic bags
Safe Structure of the Home Well-lighted Stairways *safety gates *handrails *less than 3 1/2” vertical gap Doors and windows *screens *glass panels marked
Furnishings and Equipment Could a child entrap head or body? Could a child fall out? Can it be cleaned and sanitized?
Electrical Safety Think about... outlets outlets near water cords circuits appliances
Fire Safety... Prevention Electrical safety Store flammable materials safely Heating devices: *properly installed *maintained *inspected *barriers no portable liquid fuel heaters
FIRE!!!!! Fire extinguisher Smoke detector emergency escape plan *practiced and posted Telephone *emergency numbers flashlight and radio
Carbon Monoxide colorless, odorless gas can be fatal source: heating system *ventilation *poor maintenance consider a detector
Good Indoor Air Quality No smoking Control moisture Cleanliness Dust mites Ventilation
Lead Poisoning Greatest concern: *infants, young children *pregnant women Mental and Physical Development *learning disorders *behavioral problems
Primary Source of Lead Lead dust *lead-base paint *soils *leaded gasoline
Lead in Your Building? Built before 1980? *possibly Built before 1940? *probably
If your facility was built before Test for lead in all areas occupied by children!
For more information about lead LEAD *National Safety Council *special information for day- care providers LEAD-FYI *Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning *Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, VA Department of Health
Radon… Colorless, odorless, gas Easy to test Market a “good” test
Well or private water supply... must be tested!
Safety in Storage special concerns... firearms *ammunition cleaning products pesticides *plant care products sharp kitchen utensils
Creating and Maintaining Healthy Child Care Environments Questions???