Spatial Data Mining: Three Case Studies For additional details Shashi Shekhar, University of Minnesota Presented to UCGIS Summer Assembly 2001
Background NSF workshop on GIS and DM (3/99) Spatial data [1, 8] - traffic, bird habitats, global climate, logistics,... For spatial patterns - outliers, location prediction, associations, sequential associations, trends, …
Framework Problem statement: capture special needs Data exploration: maps, new methods Try reusing classical methods –from data mining, spatial statistics If reuse is not possible, invent new methods Validation, Performance tuning
Case 1: Spatial Outliers Problem: stations different from neighbors [SIGKDD 2001] Data - space-time plot, distr. Of f(x), S(x) Distribution of base attribute: –spatially smooth –frequency distribution over value domain: normal Classical test - Pr.[item in population] is low –Q? distribution of diff.[f(x), neighborhood agg{f(x)}] –Insight: this statistic is distributed normally! –Test: (z-score on the statistics) > 2 –Performance - spatial join, clustering methods
Spatial outlier detection [4] Spatial outlier A data point that is extreme relative to it neighbors Given A spatial graph G={V,E} A neighbor relationship (K neighbors) An attribute function f: V -> R An aggregation function f aggr : R k -> R Confidence level threshold Find O = {v i | v i V, v i is a spatial outlier} Objective Correctness: The attribute values of v i is extreme, compared with its neighbors Computational efficiency Constraints Attribute value is normally distributed Computation cost dominated by I/O op.
Spatial outlier detection Spatial Outlier Detection Test 1. Choice of Spatial Statistic S(x) = [f(x)–E y N(x) (f(y))] Theorem: S(x) is normally distributed if f(x) is normally distributed 2. Test for Outlier Detection | (S(x) - s ) / s | > Hypothesis I/O cost determined by clustering efficiency f(x)S(x) Spatial outlier and its neighbors
Spatial outlier detection Results 1. CCAM achieves higher clustering efficiency (CE) 2. CCAM has lower I/O cost 3. Higher CE leads to lower I/O cost 4. Page size improves CE for all methods Z-order CCAM I/O costCE value Cell-Tree
Case 2: Location Prediction Citations: SIAM DM Conf. 2001, SIGKDD DMKD 2000 Problem: predict nesting site in marshes –given vegetation, water depth, distance to edge, etc. Data - maps of nests and attributes –spatially clustered nests, spatially smooth attributes Classical method: logistic regression, decision trees, bayesian classifier –but, independence assumption is violated ! Misses auto-correlation ! –Spatial auto-regression (SAR), Markov random field bayesian classifier –Open issues: spatial accuracy vs. classification accurary –Open issue: performance - SAR learning is slow!
Location Prediction [6, 7, 8] Given: 1. Spatial Framework 2. Explanatory functions: 3. A dependent function 4. A family of function mappings: Find: A function Objective:maximize classification_accuracy Constraints: Spatial Autocorrelation exists Nest locations Distance to open water Vegetation durability Water depth
Evaluation: Changing Model Linear Regression Spatial Regression Spatial model is better
Evaluation: Changing measure New measure:
Case 3: Spatial Association Rules Citation: Symp. On Spatial Databases 2001 Problem: Given a set of boolean spatial features –find subsets of co-located features, e.g. (fire, drought, vegetation) –Data - continuous space, partition not natural, no reference feature Classical data mining approach: association rules –But, Look Ma! No Transactions!!! No support measure! Approach: Work with continuous data without transactionizing it! –confidence = Pr.[fire at s | drought in N(s) and vegetation in N(s)] –support: cardinality of spatial join of instances of fire, drought, dry veg. –participation: min. fraction of instances of a features in join result –new algorithm using spatial joins and apriori_gen filters
Co-location Patterns [2, 3] Answers: and Can you find co-location patterns from the following sample dataset?
Co-location Patterns Can you find co-location patterns from the following sample dataset?
Co-location Patterns Spatial Co-location A set of features frequently co-located Given A set T of K boolean spatial feature types T={f 1,f 2, …, f k } A set P of N locations P={p 1, …, p N } in a spatial frame work S, p i P is of some spatial feature in T A neighbor relation R over locations in S Find T c = subsets of T frequently co-located Objective Correctness Completeness Efficiency Constraints R is symmetric and reflexive Monotonic prevalence measure Reference Feature Centric Window CentricEvent Centric
Co-location Patterns Participation index Participation ratio pr(f i, c) of feature f i in co-location c = {f 1, f 2, …, f k }: fraction of instances of f i with feature {f 1, …, f i-1, f i+1, …, f k } nearby 2.Participation index = min{pr(f i, c)} Algorithm Hybrid Co-location Miner Association rulesCo-location rules underlying spacediscrete setscontinuous space item-types events /Boolean spatial features collectionstransactionsneighborhoods prevalence measuresupportparticipation index conditional probability measurePr.[ A in T | B in T ]Pr.[ A in N(L) | B at L ] Comparison with association rules
Conclusions & Future Directions Spatial domains may not satisfy assumptions of classical methods –data: auto-correlation, continuous geographic space –patterns: global vs. local, e.g. spatial outliers vs. outliers –data exploration: maps and albums Open Issues – patterns: hot-spots, blobology (shape), spatial trends, … –metrics: spatial accuracy(predicted locations), spatial contiguity(clusters) –spatio-temporal dataset –scale and resolutions sentivity of patterns –geo-statistical confidence measure for mined patterns
References 1.S. Shekhar, S. Chawla, S. Ravada, A. Fetterer, X. Liu and C.T. Liu, “Spatial Databases: Accomplishments and Research Needs”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Jan.-Feb S. Shekhar and Y. Huang, “Discovering Spatial Co-location Patterns: a Summary of Results”, In Proc. of 7th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD01), July S. Shekhar, Y. Huang, and H. Xiong, “Performance Evaluation of Co-location Miner”, the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM’01), Nov (submitted) 4.S. Shekhar, C.T. Lu, P. Zhang, "Detecting Graph-based Spatial Outliers: Algorithms and Applications“, the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, S. Shekhar, S. Chawla, the book “Spatial Database: Concepts, Implementation and Trends”. (To be published in 2001) 6.S. Chawla, S. Shekhar, W. Wu and U. Ozesmi, “Extending Data Mining for Spatial Applications: A Case Study in Predicting Nest Locations”, Proc. Int. Confi. on 2000 ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD 2000), Dallas, TX, May 14, S. Chawla, S. Shekhar, W. Wu and U. Ozesmi, “Modeling Spatial Dependencies for Mining Geospatial Data”, First SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, S. Shekhar, P.R. Schrater, R. R. Vatsavai, W. Wu, and S. Chawla, “Spatial Contextual Classification and Prediction Models for Mining Geospatial Data”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, (Submitted) Some papers are available on the Web sites: