New strategies for offering education IDAs Adrianna Kezar University of Southern California
Partnership principles Identify the right saversIdentify the right savers Match education to the needs of the region or stateMatch education to the needs of the region or state Invite educational partners to join your advisory boardInvite educational partners to join your advisory board Identify the right postsecondary partner(s)Identify the right postsecondary partner(s) Develop a compelling message and educate your potential partnerDevelop a compelling message and educate your potential partner
Partnership principles Recognize that nonprofits and educational institutions often have different culturesRecognize that nonprofits and educational institutions often have different cultures Start at the topStart at the top Encourage top-level leaders to brainstorm with key officesEncourage top-level leaders to brainstorm with key offices Develop personal contacts and a championDevelop personal contacts and a champion Understand the financial aid implications of IDAsUnderstand the financial aid implications of IDAs
Partnership principles Create a partnership around existing services or strengths of the postsecondary institutionCreate a partnership around existing services or strengths of the postsecondary institution Brainstorm the overall design togetherBrainstorm the overall design together Formalize the partnership in a memorandum of understandingFormalize the partnership in a memorandum of understanding Build a network or collaborativeBuild a network or collaborative
Design Principles Design with postsecondary partner – develop campus teamDesign with postsecondary partner – develop campus team Recruiting clientsRecruiting clients Youth versus adult modelYouth versus adult model Access versus retention modelAccess versus retention model Needs are more complicated to identify – books, equipment, when tuition is neededNeeds are more complicated to identify – books, equipment, when tuition is needed Different match rateDifferent match rate Bundling servicesBundling services
Design Principles Marketing and outreach may be more of a challengeMarketing and outreach may be more of a challenge Use postsecondary partner for asset specific training Also see our asset specific training resources at ources2.shtmlUse postsecondary partner for asset specific training Also see our asset specific training resources at ources2.shtml ources2.shtml ources2.shtml Timing of disbursements might differTiming of disbursements might differ Understand financial aid processUnderstand financial aid process Apply IDA before PellApply IDA before Pell
Design Principles Multiple paymentsMultiple payments Financial education specific to schooling – summer work, scholarships, etc.Financial education specific to schooling – summer work, scholarships, etc. Integrate financial education into schooling with youthIntegrate financial education into schooling with youth Working with parentsWorking with parents Distance education for adults, particularly in rural areasDistance education for adults, particularly in rural areas Extend the time of the IDAExtend the time of the IDA
For more information See our website: our website: Design paper in draft – soon to be published!Design paper in draft – soon to be published! Many thanks!Many thanks!