Design Process …and the project
Agenda Design process Video inspiration Project details
Design How do we come up with new (good) designs for interactive systems? Why is it so difficult?
What is design? achieving goals within constraints goals - purpose who is it for, why do they want it constraints materials, platforms trade-offs
Interactions and Interventions design interactions not just interfaces not just the immediate interaction e.g. stapler in office – technology changes interaction style designing interventions not just artefacts not just the system, but also … documentation, manuals, tutorials what we say and do as well as what we make
User-Centered Design Process 1. Understand constraints/context 2. User analysis 2. Task analysis 4. Function allocation 5. Define usability criteria All of the above included in requirements definition and task analysis.
User-Centered Design (cont’d) 6. Design UI - including help and documentation Consider alternatives! Apply formative evaluation techniques & iterate 7. Build & test prototypes Apply formative / summative evaluation techniques & iterate 8. Build & test the real application Apply summative evaluation techniques & iterate 9. Release, update and maintain
Basic HCI process of design scenarios task analysis what is wanted guidelines principles analysis interviews ethnography what is there vs. what is wanted precise specification design dialogue notations implement and deploy evaluation heuristics prototype architectures documentation help
Discussion How would you incorporate HCI design into larger software engineering design frameworks?
Traditional ‘waterfall’ lifecycle Requirements analysis Design Code Test Maintenance
Spiral Lifecycle model From
Why is HCI Design Difficult? Difficult to deeply analyze human behavior May be too close to the domain Cost/features may be considered over good human factors Creativity is challenging!
How to be creative? How do we create and develop new interface ideas and designs? Ideas come from Imagination Analogy Observation of current practice Observation of current systems Borrow from other fields Animation Theatre Information displays Architecture ..… metaphor
An inspirational video
Project Structure Group project – 5 people Worth 50% of grade Design and evaluate an interface 1 - Understand the problem, users, tasks, environment (15%) 2 – Design and prototype (20%) 3 – Evaluation (15%)
Project Groups 5 people Form by next Tuesday – cool name You decide Diverse is best! Consider schedules, email habits, etc. Form by next Tuesday – cool name Choose topic by Jan. 24 (earlier if possible)
Previous Projects Suggested Project Theme: System for organizing and showcasing art Friend Finder on a cell phone System for assisting anesthesiologists Money tracker in your wallet Mobile photo album Chef’s display in a kitchen Suggested Project Theme: Design a service to promote, encourage or support sustainability of the environment.
Coming up with project ideas Think of someone else Avoid being biased by your intuitions Think off the desktop too! Mobile, handheld, environmental Think everyday Think about people first, then technology
Project Topics Real “client” Domain family and friends? Organization you belong to, volunteer with? Hobbies or other activities? Domain Office, home, school
Programming requirements Leverage team expertise Full functionality is NOT intention But good evaluation requires authentic experience
Project Details Part 0 – Team and topic formation – Due Jan. 24 Create team page on Swiki Choose a project topic Part 1 - Understanding the problem – Due Feb. 12 Describe tasks, users, environment, social context Any existing systems in place Helps form basis for your requirements “Describe the problem, not the solution”
Project Details Part 2a - Design Alternatives poster – Due March 11 Storyboards, mock-ups for multiple different designs Get feedback on ideas during poster session Part 2b – System Design and Evaluation Plan – Due April 3 Description of the system requirements and design Rationale for design decisions Plan for conducting evaluation Part 2c – System Prototype – Due April 3 Prototype that implements all or part of the design Allows for interactive experience
Project Details Part 3 – Evaluation – Due April 24 Conduct evaluation with example users Characterize pros and cons of the UI Discuss what you would do to fix problems Part 3b – Presentation – April 24 & 29 In class presentation of the entire project, 15 minutes
Your turn Pair or triple up… Brainstorm ideas/problems/applications with public transit Choose a couple and elaborate Pause to share ideas with everyone…