Preparing for Project-Based Learning Oct. 31 & Nov. 2, 2011
Framework for Project Learning Success rk_for_project_learning_success rk_for_project_learning_success Teacher-training coordinator David Grant describes how King Middle School in Portland, Maine combines project learning and technology to build effective, authentic learning experiences.
“Know-how” is as important as resources in PBL. A. True B. False
Teachers Learn Through Modeling MTdJbg&feature=player_embedded MTdJbg&feature=player_embedded An Indiana Education Consortium conducts 3 days of professional development workshops where PBL coaches model best practices.
After a 3-day workshop on Project-Based Learning, teachers become experts of PBL approach to learning. A. True B. False
Elementary Project: Courtyard Redesign wzCs&feature=player_embedded wzCs&feature=player_embedded 5th graders from Madison Wisconsin public school present their finished designs to a group of school architects, planners, & designers. The video also demonstrates teacher planning.
Oracle ThinkQuest Institute b3Qw4&feature=player_embedded b3Qw4&feature=player_embedded Fifth graders from Alban Elementary School in West Virginia use ThinkQuest to complete their Success Project which goes beyond the classroom.
Elementary Project: Kindergarten Harvest KMfwoL1mPY&feature=relmfu KMfwoL1mPY&feature=relmfu Two Kindergarten classes from Explorer Elementary learn how to grow and harvest vegetables with the help a garden coordinator.
Attendance for October 31 & November 2, 2011 A. Yes B. No
Today’s lecture was: A. Interesting and relevant B. Just interesting C. Just relevant D. Uninteresting and irrelevant