GI Sequence - Histology Small and Large Intestines Recto-anal junction January 14, 2009 Sun-Kee Kim / Andy Chervenak
#29 Small Intestine Mesentery (ct + epithelium) Submucosa (connective tissue) Mucosa (epithelium + lamina propria) Muscularis Externa (smooth muscle) Lumen Muscularis mucosae
#29 – Intestinal Villi Intestinal villi
#29-Simple columnar epithelium with striated border (microvilli) and goblet cells Microvilli (striated border) Goblet cells Enterocytes ?
#165 (PAS)-Goblet cells distributed throughout villi and crypts
Pyloric Stomach Pylo-duodenal junction (arrow) Pyloric sphincter muscle
#161 Pylo-duodenal J. with Pancreas Pyloric stomach Duodenum Pancreas
#161 Muscularis mucosae Lymphatic nodules Brunner’s gland
#161, 162 Duodenum Lumen Intestinal villus Muscularis mucosae ? ? crypts or i. glands Brunner’s glands pancreas
#29, 168, 169, 170 Jejunum or Ileum lumen submucosa Muscularis mucosae Crypts of Lieberkuhn
#29, Intestinal glands (crypts) Paneth cells Enteroendocrine cells Mitotic cell ? ? ?
#246 Enteroendocrine cell Paneth cell
#29, Myenteric (Auerbach’s) plexus Ganglion cells
#176, 177: Colon (Mucosa of the colon) m.m No villi, Straight glands, lots of goblet cells
#176 – colon mucosa
#175: Appendix Mucosa is like colon: no villi, straight glands Muscularis externa is like small intestine: Two layers of s. muscle Heavy infiltration of lymphatic tissues forming nodules.
#177-1, 177-3, Recto-anal junction Hemorrhoidal veins Muscularis mucosae Type of epithelium changes Muscularis mucosae frays Dilated veins
#177-1, 177-2, Recto-anal junction Internal anal sphincter (sm. muscle) External anal sphincter (skel. muscle) Hair follicle w/ sebaceous and sweat glands
Cardio-esophageal junction (arrow)
Chief cells Paneth cellsParotid gland acinar cells von Ebner’s gland Mixed salivary glands Serous acinar cells Serous demilune cells
#170 Small Intestine
#194 Gallbladder Mucosa epithelium lamina propria Smooth muscle Adventitial c.t. Liver Simple columnar ep.