Thursday, May 03, 2001SMPLS-Encryption of Payloads1 Secure MPLS Encryption of Payloads V.Rajan S.Vidyaraman
Thursday, May 03, 2001SMPLS-Encryption of Payloads2 Overview 1. Motivation 2. Implementation 3. Testing 4. Conclusion 5. References
Thursday, May 03, 2001SMPLS-Encryption of Payloads3 Motivation Security The need for it :: Do I say any more ? Efficiency Underlying fast switching paradigm offered by MPLS shouldn't be compromised at the expense of providing security Proper choice of encryption Algorithm
Thursday, May 03, 2001SMPLS-Encryption of Payloads4 Implementation Encryption - Entire MPLS Payload Encryption Algorithm - RC4 Stream Cipher Not too “heavyweight” Relatively fast MPLS L3 L4 ……………………….. Header Encrypted
Thursday, May 03, 2001SMPLS-Encryption of Payloads5 Testing - Network Setup Lemondrop Gumdrop Spinach Pumpkin Potato Ingress / EgressCoreIngress / Egress
Thursday, May 03, 2001SMPLS-Encryption of Payloads6 Conclusion Present implementation Hop by hop encryption across one LSP NO “dynamic” key exchange mechanism for authentication Scope for improvement by formulating a better form of key exchange Extension of IKE Possible investigation of integration into LDP No such draft yet
Thursday, May 03, 2001SMPLS-Encryption of Payloads7 References RC4 Algorithm / Code : AES Algorithm / Code : html SMPLS Draft : 01.txt Implementation extended from: