Product Design Sketching Lines and Contours
Line: a one-dimensional element with no breadth or thickness, and therefore does not exist in the physical world. Yet as lines dominate our perception of the visual world, they are essential in representation in a drawing.
The Power of Lines A line has inherent qualities of width, density, texture, pressure, continuity and rhythm You will gradually develop sentiment with the lines coming out from your hand. Your lines form the basis of your own drawing style
Contour Drawing Also known as outline drawing Drawing with contour lines can enhance accuracy by preventing us from messing through shapes with hatches and shades The slow process of contour drawing forces us to see with clarity and accuracy We are compelled to appreciate the nature, structure and geometry of forms
Types of Lines Contour Lines Represent shapes and edges
Types of Lines Expressive Lines Express form, weight, texture, materials, patterns, light, etc. form material texture light weight
Types of Lines Regulating Lines Perceived lines resulting from the arrangement of other elements in a drawing Laid down to structure elements in the sketch