What are indexes? Database (print or electronic) to identify articles (and sometimes reports, dissertations, books) written on a particular topic. Index tells what has been published on a topic not what the library owns on a topic.
Choosing the right index There are hundreds of indices available in the library. What index to use? Depends on the topic – the discipline Depends on the format of material you want – scholarly journal articles, magazine or newspaper articles, dissertations, etc. Depends on the era for which you want material – primary or secondary sources
Choosing the right channel SportsMoviesNewsFamily & Children CurrentESPN ESPN 2 HBO Showtime CNN Headline News Nickelodeon Disney VintageESPNCAMC TMC History Channel Nick at Nite TVLand
Choosing the right index HistoryBiologyBusinessInterdiscip linary/Gen eral CurrentAHL HA IMB BIOSISABI- Inform Expanded Academic Research Library VintageAPS Online Pooles Zoologi- cal Record Business Index Reader’s Guide APS Online
Choosing the right index Type of article Scholarly journal articles Popular magazine articles Newspaper articles HistoryAHL HA ITER Expanded Academic Research Library Lexis/Nexis NewsBank BiologyBIOSISExpanded Academic Research Library Lexis/Nexis NewsBank
Where to find index databases On the Information Gateway Top 20 Databases Databases & Catalogs By Subject To find indices most useful for history research go to the history subject page
Index records
Finding journals in the library If the database doesn’t provide the full-text or library location: Use the UW Libraries Catalog Choose the journal subset Do a title search for the title of the journal/magazine