Prototype Performance in D0 test stand & fiber intrinsic performance with KEK test beam M.Yoshida (Osaka Univ.) Osaka
Prototype of SciFi tracker Scifi stations Top (station C) X and V view Middle (station B) X,V,W view Bottom (station A) X and W view ~80 cm X view W view V view
Waveguide Connection bundle of 18 clear fibers (4meter long, 1.05mm ) bundle of 7×18 clear fibers 126 channel / waveguide
DAQ at D0 test stand VLPC VLPC QE~80% for 3HF spectrum AFE (516 channels) AFE (516 channels) 8 MCM (64 channels in each) 8 MCM (64 channels in each) SVX (Sample&Hold / Degitize) SVX (Sample&Hold / Degitize) SASeq (Stand-Alone Sequencer) SASeq (Stand-Alone Sequencer) VB Program on MS- Excell VB Program on MS- Excell 3HF spectrum 500nm 700nm
Setup in D0 test stand at Fermilab Cryostat for VLPC cassette AFE (Analog Front End board) Trigger Scintillator 36cm×36cm×0.5cm(t) waveguide Lead blocks 10cm thick (100MeV for MIP)
Sinple tracking in X view (H. Sakamoto) Hit definition Threshold is set at 0.5 p.e. Tracking 1D tracking in X view Minimize residual Δ A B C X view × × Δ
Light yield as a function of 3HF concentration 3HF concentration in B station X view (B) 5000ppm W view (B) 3500ppm V view (B) 2500ppm ADC spectrum for each view 3HF5000ppm3500ppm2500ppm ADC mean (p.e.)
3D tracking (M. Ellis) hit definition : 2.5 p.e. threshold tracking in 3D Light yield (3HF2500ppm) Typical cosmic-ray event Most probable ~10.5 p.e.
Results of 3D tracking analysis Resolution: 442 ± 4 (stat) ± 27 (syst) m Resolution: 442 ± 4 (stat) ± 27 (syst) m Expectation from fibre geometry: 424 – 465 m (single fiber bunch or two fiber bunch) Expectation from fibre geometry: 424 – 465 m (single fiber bunch or two fiber bunch) Most probable light yield: 10.5 – 11 p.e. (3HF2500ppm) Most probable light yield: 10.5 – 11 p.e. (3HF2500ppm) Expectation based on D0 experience ~10 p.e. Expectation based on D0 experience ~10 p.e. Efficiency: (99.7 ± 0.2)% Efficiency: (99.7 ± 0.2)% Poisson expectation for 10 p.e. signal 99.7% Poisson expectation for 10 p.e. signal 99.7% Dead channels 0.2% (two channels) Dead channels 0.2% (two channels) 0.25% assumed in G4MICE simulation based on D0 experience 0.25% assumed in G4MICE simulation based on D0 experience
Purpose of KEK beam test Intrinsic performance of 3HF scintillating fiber was measured with KEK test-beam in Apr.-May, To optimize a concentration of the 1 st and 2 nd dopant in 3HF fibers Kuraray SCSF-3HF ; 0.35mm-phi, multi-clad, s- type Fibers to be tested: pT(1%) + 3HF(5000ppm) pT(2%) + 3HF(5000ppm) pT(1%) + 3HF(3500ppm) pT(1%) + 3HF(2500ppm) pT(1%) + 3HF(4500ppm) pT(1%) + 3HF(7500ppm) pT(1%) + 3HF(10000ppm) pT(2%) + 3HF(10000ppm)
Attaching SciFi with MICE conn. Attached the SciFi and clear fibers with MICE conn. Attached the SciFi and clear fibers with MICE conn. Clear fibers for pmt ’ s gain calibration Clear fibers for pmt ’ s gain calibration Clear fiber (1.05mmΦ) SciFi (0.35mmΦ): 14fibers SciFi Clear fib
Set up (KEK-T553) Beam area : KEK-T1 beam line Dark box
Setup (T553) mirror pmt SciFi SciFi on support structure in the dark room
Light yield with various 3HF concentration % % % % % % % % 1.2GeV/c 1.2GeV/c proton 0.6GeV/c proton (5000ppm with 20% higher PMT gain )
Result Result Double layer && 4m clear fiber 5000ppm-1% 2500ppm-1% Almost same light yield
Summary Prototype tracker was constructed in Oct., 2003 Prototype tracker was constructed in Oct., stations 3 stations VLPC readout VLPC readout Light yield of the prototype is measured Light yield of the prototype is measured 1D & 3D tracking have been carried out. 1D & 3D tracking have been carried out. Light yield in pT1%+3HF5000ppm is found to be less than pT1%+2500ppm Light yield in pT1%+3HF5000ppm is found to be less than pT1%+2500ppm Beam test was carried out in Apr.-May 2003 Beam test was carried out in Apr.-May 2003 Check intrinsic performance of 3HF fiber Check intrinsic performance of 3HF fiber PTP1%+3HF5000ppm has the best light yield in the data set w/o waveguide. PTP1%+3HF5000ppm has the best light yield in the data set w/o waveguide. 3HF5000ppm was found to have almost same light yield (4-5p.e.) as 3HF2500ppm after transmitting in 4m-long waveguide 3HF5000ppm was found to have almost same light yield (4-5p.e.) as 3HF2500ppm after transmitting in 4m-long waveguide Discrepancy between the prototype and beam-test Discrepancy between the prototype and beam-test We should estimate systematic errors in the beam-test We should estimate systematic errors in the beam-test We will produce an additional station with both 2500ppm and 5000ppm for prototype upgrade. We will produce an additional station with both 2500ppm and 5000ppm for prototype upgrade.