Discover ASU Preparatory Academy
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Mission Provide personalized, university embedded, academic programs that empower students to complete college, excel in a global society, and contribute to their communities. Academics | Partnership | Leadership | Innovation
Academics ASU Preparatory Academy students who meet entrance requirements will be eligible for scholarships to earn their ASU college degree Curriculum is personalized to provide individual support and exploration of interests through project based learning, team teaching, and integrated course- taking in a safe and small learning environment
Partnership Family Engagement is a priority to ensuring each student’s academic success Families are key partners in developing their child’s Individualized Learning Plans Families earn credit hours (Approximately 15 hours of service each semester) to support their child’s success
Extended Day DetailHigh School Credit Visual ArtsCeramics Photography Drawing & Painting Yes Performing ArtsBand Choir Orchestra Dance Theatre Yes Science & EngineeringComputer Game Design Robotics Forensic Sciences Engineering Web Design & Computer Graphics Yes Speech and DebateYes Student GovernmentYes LatinYes CommunicationsJournalism – Print/DigitalYes AthleticsCharter LeagueNo ClubsAVID, Chess, World Cultures, etc.No
Innovation Technology plays a key role in helping to personalize student learning ASU faculty work directly with teachers to help ensure the best practices are used regularly in our classrooms to support every child’s success Our partnership with ASU allows high school students to start earning college credit as early as 11 th grade
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Discover ASU Preparatory Academy