Corporate Objectives 2010/11
Aspirations for March 2011 Financial close achieved for Surbiton Polyclinic. PCT functions integrated with RBK and the SWL sector. Clarity on the future of Kingston Hospital services. The two polysystems are firmly in place as the delivery vehicles for our strategy. Operating Plan objectives and targets delivered. Quality and productivity improvements achieved. Transformed care pathways in place.
Top 4 Priorities for the Board Financial Performance Polysystem Programme Strengthening Commissioning Programme Focus on inequalities
Summary of Objectives Deliver the 2010/11 Operating Plan. Strategy implementation. Implement Healthcare for London priorities. Develop the Provider landscape. Strengthen Commissioning. Strengthen clinical engagement. Strengthen partnership working. Strengthen patient and public engagement.
Deliver the 2010/11 Operating Plan Objectives Achievement of financial targets. Achievement of vital signs targets. Delivery of quality and health improvement and reduction in inequalities. Deliver on all savings schemes detailed in the financial plan. Improve efficiency, effectiveness and quality of commissioned services. Ensure that robust emergency and business continuity plans are in place. Ensure safeguarding children standards are met.
Deliver the 2010/11 Operating Plan Enablers Continue with the joint service change programme with Kingston Hospital NHS Trust. Establish the joint service change programme with South West London and ST Georges Mental Health NHS Trust. Acceleration of the implementation of the two polysystems..
Deliver the 2010/11 Operating Plan Metrics Financial – revenue surplus, capital expenditure, cash, provide full cost recovery, better payment practice code. Vital signs. CQC ratings. WCC scores. Public and stakeholder feedback
Strategy implementation Objectives Ensure we have a system to track progress with implementation of the NHSK strategy Revise financial projections for the next 5 years in the light of the Healthcare for South West London programme. Deliver the mandatory requirements of the Sustainable Development Plan. Enablers PMO Strategy refresh Refresh JSNA
Implement Healthcare for London Priorities Objectives Produce the Outline (Stage 1) and Full (Stage 2) business cases for Surbiton Polyclinic and take to financial close Develop the model for the North polysystem Progress Healthcare for South West London strategy Enablers Appointment of clinical leaders for the two polysystems Healthcare for South West London programme Establishment of public and stakeholders groups to inform programme Development and implementation of new care pathways bringing care out of hospital
Develop the Provider Landscape Objectives Secure clarity of the role of Kingston Hospital and services to be provided long-term in the light of local polysystem developments and Healthcare for South West London Complete the externalisation of Your HealthCare as a social enterprise Enablers Healthcare for South West London programme
Strengthen Commissioning Objectives Work with the other PCTs in South West London to further strengthen the sector commissioning functions. Play our full part in the SWL Joint Committee of PCTs and the development of other SWL sector structures. Lead the SWL Affordability Task Force and Public Health network. Finalise proposals for strengthening commissioning with the Royal Borough of Kingston, focussing on ‘one Kingston’, and implementing new arrangements. Improve our competence to deliver the business, focussing on implementing our organisational development plan, Board and staff development. Develop communications, and establishing our new corporate identity as NHS Kingston. Improve quality, productivity and value for money in commissioned services
Strengthen Commissioning Enablers South West London Strengthening Commissioning Phase 2 programme. Shaping Places programme to develop integrated working with RBK NHSK Organisational Development Plan Note: whilst this is an enabler for the achievement of the other objectives, given the scale of this programme it is shown separately
Strengthen Clinical Engagement Objectives Continue to ensure we have strong engagement with our GPs through PEC Strengthen engagement with Kingston Hospital consultants through the Joint Kingston Hospital/NHS Kingston programme Develop the polysystem clinical leaders Wider engagement of all health practitioners across acute and community services and involvement in planning of service change. Enablers PEC, joint PEC and board meetings. Joint PEC and Kingston Hospital Clinical Directors meetings. Clinical reference group to advise polysystem programme.
Strengthen Partnership Working Objectives Continue to develop our role as the leader of the NHS in Kingston Continue to work effectively with local partners Further strengthen multi-agency arrangements for handling major incidents Enablers Continue to work closely with other Kingston organisations through the Kingston Strategic Partnership Develop formal governance and joint reporting arrangements with RBK. Utilise potential of the Social Entrepreneur in Residence Develop effective partnership arrangements across SW London Sector
Strengthen Patient and public Engagement Objectives Ensure that our patient and public engagement is systematised and consistent Ensure that the views of patients and the public shape service planning and improvements in quality of care Develop working arrangements with K-Link Enablers Engagement with the 4 neighbourhoods in Kingston, our Health Fairs, community hub fact finding events, health improvement events. Develop equalities work and engagement with hard to reach groups.