U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program eLearning Pre-Implementation Approach May 2003
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 2 Agenda I. Overview II. eLearning Overview III. eLearning Pre-Implementation Phase Process IV. Team V. Next Steps
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 3 Introduction From 29 agency-specific systems serving single- agency or single-office needs... To single, enterprise systems serving multiple agency needs Integrated Coordinated Standardized 29 Separate Front Ends 29 Separate Back End X 29 Number of Systems USDA’s “enablers” initiatives are designed to help USDA leverage its investments to meet common service delivery requirements.
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 4 eGovernment & Enterprise Architecture These enterprise initiatives are part of a larger vision for the USDA Enterprise Architecture adopted by the E-Board. Portals Agency Business Applications Portals Web Content Management and Document Management FirstGov Portal Government – Wide Solutions (eLoans,eGrants, GoLearn etc) Partner Solutions Strategic Initiatives (eLoans, eGrants etc) Common Business Applications (HR, Finance, eLearning etc) Agency Web Content Agency Document Content Shared Web Content Shared Document Content Shared Data and Databases Agency Data and Databases External Web and Document Content Government - Wide Authentication Credentials eAuthentication Security Technology Layer Data Layer Application Layer Standards and Policies Agency Networks Universal Telecommunications Network Agency Common/Enterprise Agency Data Marts eAuthentication External Regional and Metropolitan Local Area Networks Shared Data Warehouses External Data and Databases CustomersCitizensEmployeesPartners Secured Network
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 5 We’ve come a long way… The eGovernment Program has been following a road map over the past eighteen months to develop enterprise services for USDA. Marketing and Communications Develop eGovernment Strategic Plan Strategic direction 24 Strategic initiatives Enabling initiatives Strategic initiatives Pre-Select Business Cases Initial vision Cost/benefit analysis Initial impact analysis Implementation and Investment Planning Functional & Technical requirements Program management approach Comprehensive technical architecture Implementation Plans Cost/benefit analysis Impact analysis Select-level Business Cases Change Management Planning and Implementation, Agency Assistance Decision to plan and implement Enabling initiatives Detailed Planning, Design and Product Selection Provide technical/evaluation of products information to the Agencies Define process for agencies to utilize enterprise eGovernment services Conduct formal product selection Determine Products and Services Installation & Testing Set up hardware Install software Perform necessary custom development (integration) System test Updated CPIC documentation (Security Plan, Concept of Operations, etc.) Rollout of solution and services Agency Development / Strategic Initiative Development Project Management (ongoing) Physical & Application Architectures X WE ARE HERE
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 6 New Approach Define approach Value proposition Business drivers Common vision Timeline Conduct background meetings Project approach Education on use of technology or new process Develop a business case Functional and technical requirements Project Plan Cost/Benefit Analysis Risk Assessment Pre-implementation tasks Technical architecture Products and services assessment Implementation budget determination Integration requirements Implementation tasks Procure HW/SW/Services Configure solutions according to requirements Custom development Testing Rollout Maintenance tasks HW/SW maintenance Content maintenance Enhancements Commitment of participation from agencies Commitment point New IT Initiative Drivers Legislative/Executive mandate Common process/technology enhancement Technology innovation eGovernment Strategic Plan Commitment point Completed To-be completed This general eGovernment approach was endorsed by the E-Board in mid- March and is already underway for eAuthentication. A similar process will be followed for all common/enterprise Business and IT initiatives.
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 7 Overview The Enablers originate from seven of the enabling initiatives outlined in USDA’s eGovernment Strategic Plan. Select Phase Business Case Documents eAuthenticatio n Business Case Documents eDeployment Business Case Documents eLearning Business Case Documents USDA eGov Strategic Plan – Enabling Smart Choices eAuthentication Content Management Document Management Data Management Web Presence Portal Services eLearning Pre-select Phase Business Cases Conceptual eAuthentication Business Case eLearning Business Case Web Content Management Document Management Data Management Portal Services Web Presence
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 8 Agenda I. Overview II. eLearning Overview III. eLearning Pre-Implementation Phase Process IV. Team V. Next Steps
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 9 eLearning Overview eLearning will support for the management and delivery of USDA’s training and career development functions through an enterprise Learning Management System. Registration, scheduling, and tracking capability for all training (classroom and online) Assistance in creating, editing, managing and delivering learning content Performance and Career Management services Virtual Collaboration capabilities Online Courseware Provide access to a wide array of online training not previously available Coordinate management, and promote interagency collaboration, of Federal eLearning services Allow for economies of scale in the enterprise- wide purchase of eLearning products and services Reduce travel expenses, training delivery costs, and training administration costs Transform the learning experience to include more online courses, in lieu of costly traditional training methods Devote Agency trainer’s time to what they do best--training--rather than administration of IT systems What eLearning includesBenefits of an Enterprise eLearning Approach
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 10 eLearning Overview - How does it work? eLearning provides the integration and delivery of USDA’s knowledge and training not previously available. Learning Management System GoLearn.gov Traditional Classroom Virtual Classroom Independent WBT/CBTKnowledge Assets Courseware
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 11 eLearning Overview - Why eLearning? The use of eLearning supports the eGovernment strategy, by providing… In addition to cost savings you will be able to: Registration, scheduling, and tracking capability for all training Assistance in creating, editing, managing and delivering learning content Enterprise-wide access to GoLearn.gov to support Cross-Government training needs - USDA savings in FY02 would have exceeded $700,000 for the 22,000 users of SkillSoft and NETg training Provide access to a wide array of online training not previously available Coordinate management, and promote interagency collaboration, of Federal eLearning services Allow for economies of scale in the enterprise-wide purchase of eLearning products and services Reduce travel expenses, training delivery costs, and training administration costs Transform the learning experience to include more online courses, in lieu of costly and less effective traditional training methods Devote Agency trainer’s time to what they do best--training--rather than administration of IT systems
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 12 Agenda I. Overview II. eLearning Overview III. eLearning Pre-Implementation Phase Process IV. Team V. Next Steps
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 13 Marketing and Communications Change Management Planning and Implementation, Provide Agency Assistance eLearning Pre-Implementation Phase The following “gameboard” shows the major sequential tasks to complete the pre-implementation phase of eLearning. Project Management LMS Providers Create Proposals for USDA Vendors present orals/demo solution in response to requirements Vendors finalize and submit proposals for USDA Identify Agency Stakeholders Identify agency representative Define roles and responsibilities Appoint Project Manager Finalize InterAgency Agreement for Content Complete agreement for business and leadership training courses Review and Accept LMS Proposal USDA reviews applications ability to meet requirements USDA reviews and accepts proposal Create LMS Interagency agreement Develop LMS Architecture & Business Processes Work with selected vendor for planning of implementation process Detailed Design for LMS Detailed Design of Business Process Design and Agency Integration Detailed Design for Financial and HR Integration Determine USDA System Requirements Identify and prioritize Functional, Technical, Service Level Agreement (SLA) requirements GoLearn.gov will present the Plateau and GeoLearning applications to USDA Architecture Product and Service Selection
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 14 eLearning Pre-Implementation Timeline 4/285/055/125/195/266/026/096/166/236/307/077/147/217/288/48/118/18 Approach Meeting CIOs, Decision-Maker, Integrated eGov team member Confirm Requirements Preparation and Vendor Assessment Preparation and eLearning Agency Initiative Overview Meetings Early Adopter Assistance Next Steps Memo
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 15 eLearning – Pre-Implementation Phase Identify Agency Decision-Makers Agencies have been asked by the CIO to select an agency representative and an Inter Agency team to participate in the eLearning project moving forward. The team may include: Agency Head / Designated Representative Final investment decisions, issue resolution Agency CIO / Deputy CIO’s Final technical decisions, issue resolution eGovernment Working Group Member Resource management Communication to CIO and Agency Executives Technical (IT) Staff Experts on agency existing architecture Direct participation in vendor assessments Business Staff Representative for agency business requirements Direct participation in vendor assessments Agency Head / Designated Representative Technical (IT) Staff Business Staff Agency Decision-Makers Agency CIO / Deputy CIO’s eGovernment Working Group Member
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 16 eLearning – Pre-Implementation Phase Finalize InterAgency Agreement for Content The InterAgency Agreement is complete and has been signed Once the InterAgency Agreement is in place, Agencies will be able to set up agreements to purchase libraries of courses for employees from all of the GoLearn content providers All business, leadership, and IT courses should now be purchased through GoLearn Business, Leadership, and Technical online courseware can be purchased from GoLearn.gov at deep discounts…
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 17 eLearning – Pre-Implementation Phase Determine USDA System Requirements System requirements will be defined according to the Functional, Technical, and Service level These requirements will be prioritized based on their immediate value and their ability to support long-term eLearning goals GoLearn.gov will facilitate the submission of these requirements to Plateau and GeoLearning Using business case requirements as a starting point, all requirements will be prioritized and confirmed with input from Agency Representatives … Functional Requirements Technical Requirements Business Case Service Level Requirements Analysis Phase Confirm ALL Requirements Submit to GoLearn.gov
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 18 eLearning – Pre-Implementation Phase LMS Providers Create Proposals for USDA LMS providers will give oral presentations to demonstrate the solution and address USDA requirements The proposals will include the costs for the solution integration and the creation of the interfaces with USDA HR and Financial systems Agency representatives will be able to review the functionality of the LMS solutions to ensure that all necessary functionality is provided USDA requirements will be responded to by each GoLearn.gov LMS provider through a proposal and system demonstration. System Requirements Requirements Definition & Submission GoLearn.gov LMS Proposal Process Draft Proposals LMS Orals/Demo Prioritized Functional, Technical, and Service level Ability to meet system requirements Cost of Solution and Implementation Demonstrate solution Answer questions Submits all specifications to vendor and establishes relationship
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 19 eLearning – Pre-Implementation Phase Review and Accept LMS Proposal Teams will work together to evaluate the proposals from GeoLearning and Plateau to ensure all specifications are addressed An assessment of the LMS proposals will be done to determine which solution best meets the needs of USDA Once the proposal is accepted, an InterAgency agreement will be created to allow development of the USDA LMS An evaluation team consisting of SME’s, eGov, Cyber Security, HR and Training representatives will review and accept one of the LMS provider proposals. LMS Proposals Review & Finalize Proposals Assess Proposals Proposal Acceptance InterAgency Agreement Select LMS Agency Funding & Support Statement of Work GoLearn writes SOW with USDA Final Proposals Review
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 20 eLearning – Pre-Implementation Phase Develop LMS Architecture & Business Processes The selected LMS, Plateau or GeoLearning, will create the LMS and physical architecture for USDA in coordination with GoLearn.gov Once the LMS and physical architectures are created, the plans for agency integration can be finalized and initiated, including: – Business Process Design – Conversion of Legacy LMS systems and data (if applicable) – Integration of Agency HR and Finance systems The selected LMS provider will develop the LMS architecture and the plans for agency integration… LMS DesignAgency Integration Plan Legacy System Conversion LMS Detailed Design LMS Architecture Business Process Design HR and Finance Systems GoLearn.gov and LMS User Interface Detailed functional system design and configuration Test Planning Pilot LMS Build Build & Test Test Execution
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 21 Agenda I. Overview II. eLearning Overview III. eLearning Pre-Implementation Phase Process IV. Team V. Next Steps
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 22 eLearning Team The eLearning initiative project team will be responsible for working with the GoLearn.gov team to define the eLearning solution for USDA. Facilitate vendor relationships and selection process Manage vendor implementation, delivery, and support Define Technology Frameworks Develop Application Architecture Develop Physical Architecture eLearning Project Manager Evaluation Team GoLearn.gov Agency Decision- Makers Review final recommendations Sign-off on final recommendations Upward communication eGovernment PMO Review LMS solutions Assist in the selection of the LMS vendor Facilitate implementation process and rollout Define Business Processes
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 23 Agenda I. Overview II. eLearning Overview III. eLearning Pre-Implementation Phase Process IV. Team V. Next Steps
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 24 eLearning Next Steps The Next Steps to begin the eLearning Pre-Implementation Approach are: Identify Agency decision-makers Identify roles and responsibilities of Agency Identify SME’s from each agency to participate on “Core” team Hold Agency eLearning Approach and Information Session – May 15 th GoLearn.gov Presentation GeoLearning and Plateau vendor demos Determine levels of commitment after Agency meetings Finalize requirements and submit through GoLearn.gov to start LMS selection process