An Economic Comparison of Cleveland and Atlanta Edward W. Hill Senior Research Scholar, The Urban Center Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Cleveland State University
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University2 Comparing the economies Cleveland-Akron Atlanta CMSA MSA 1997 GMP $92 $88.2 billion $118.3 billion % Increase % 35.4% Population million 3.6 million % Increase % 16.0% Non-population percent increase in GMP 23.3% 19.4% Real Per Capita GMP 1997 $30,249 $32,559 Increase $5,680 $4,655
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University3 City and Metropolitan Area Size
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University4 Building Permits Percent of permits issued from1990 to1996 to 1990 stock
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University5 Recent Unemployment Rates
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University6 Percentage Point Difference Between the CMSA’s Annual Unemployment Rate and the National Rate
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University7 Employment Growth Index for the US, Cleveland- Akron CMSA, Cleveland PMSA, and Akron PMSA
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University8 Metropolitan Population Growth
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University9 City Population Change
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University10 Suburban Population Growth Rates
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University11 Population by Race 1996 estimates
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University12 Change in the Central Cities’ Share of Metropolitan Employment:
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University13 Suburban and Central City Employment Growth Rates of MSAs: 1993 to 1996
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University14 Distribution of Employment Cleveland-Akron CMSA: 1997 Source: The Urban Center, Cleveland State University, ES-202
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University15 Comparing the economies Income Relations: Central City & Suburb
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University16 Poverty Over the Business Cycle
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University Employment Specialization Location Quotients
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University Employment Specialization Employment Growth Rates: 1992 to 1997
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University Earnings Specialization Location Quotients
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University Earnings Specialization Sources of Earnings
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University21 Change in Sources of Income During the Recovery:
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University22 Educational Attainment Adult Population: 1990
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University23 Index of Higher Educational Attainment : Adults Age 25 ands above in 284 CMSAs and MSAs in 1990
6/7/00The Urban Center, Cleveland State University24 Percent of Adult Central City Residents with BA or Higher: 1990