Hebrews 13 Practical Christian Encouragements. Vs. 1 Brotherly Love Philadelphia Philo – kindness, compassion, emotion Adalphos – brother, in flesh or.


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Presentation transcript:

Hebrews 13 Practical Christian Encouragements

Vs. 1 Brotherly Love Philadelphia Philo – kindness, compassion, emotion Adalphos – brother, in flesh or spirit Agape Agape – Seek what is best for another Philo Philo – Have positive feelings for another, show kindness, treat with respect

Vs. 2 Hospitality Abraham did this Can we? Is it possible for us to entertain angels and not be aware of it? What do angels look like? How would you know it was an angel?

Vs. 2 Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality – show compassion NOT – have friends over for dinner How can we show hospitality? Visit the sick, help those in grief Take food, support, encourage Look to their needs and supply them

Vs. 3 In Bonds Bonds Bonds = jail, prison This is not about the criminal We should visit, teach, encourage them But this verse is not about criminals This is for Christians who are suffering for the cause of Christ

Vs. 3 In Bonds Sympathy Sympathy = to feel for someone in pain “I feel sorry for that man with a broken leg.” Empathy Empathy = to feel with, to put yourself in their place – “I know what they are going through.”

Vs. 4 Marriage Many sermons here God designed and planned a proper place for sexual activity ANYWHERE ELSE = It is fornication

Vs. 5 Be Content Covet Covet = Inordinate desire for anything or anyone Be content with THINGS Do not be content with circumstances, situations, problems, abilities

Vs. 6 Not Fear Is God on your side? Then why are you afraid? What can man do? Matthew 10:28 2 Timothy 1:7 Romans 8:31

Vs. 7 Rulers over you Three verses on this subject Vs. 7 – Remember Vs. 17 – Obey them Vs. 24 – Salute (Greet) them Elders are to be honored and respected UNLESS -

Vs. 8 Immutable Jesus is unchangeable – immutable Unchangeable in character, plan, purpose God can change His law He can change His mind

Vs. 9 Doctrines There are many strange doctrines (teachings) out there WATCH OUT! We must be alert – preacher and elders must be on guard and protect the flock

Vs. 15 Sing SING SING – Everyone MUST sing Not just the choir, not just the good singers OUR We must offer the fruit of OUR lips NOTE NOTE: The fruit of our lips is not “play the organ”

Vs. 16 Sacrifice What have you sacrificed lately? Have you really given up something you treasured? Ruell Lemons – World Bible School (WBS) started a “Miss A Meal” program He asked people to miss a meal and send the money to WBS

Vs. 16 Sacrifice He raised several million dollars for WBS with this program BUT – He never could find anyone who actually MISSED a meal!

Vs. 21 Perfect How many of you are perfect? Perfect Today – Perfect = without sin, no flaw, nothing could be done to improve it Perfect In NT – Perfect = mature, full-grown, complete, finished Jesus said, “It is finished.” Noah was “perfect” in his generation

Vs. 21 Perfect “Let us go on unto perfection” – Hebrews 6:1 “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” – 1 Corinthians 13:10 Are you perfect? Are heading that direction?