Teaching Maths Peter Tymms
Outline Changing education How is maths taught? How does this compare to English How does it compare to maths 20 years ago? How do processes relate to attitudes and attainment? Lessons for the classroom?
Big changes: e.g.Testing We call it “assessment” now KS3 test dropped –but 85% of schools requested the test materials O level & CSE GCSE, which is evolving –Course work controlled assessment –iGCSE Diploma A level AS & A2 & BTEC & IB and entrance tests
Can you date this? “ Learning, alas will someday be smothered by … examination, competition, the calculation and publication of results.”
J.E.C. Welldon
Reasons Dissatisfaction with the old system Forgetting the lessons of history Evolving culture New evidence and new theories New technology New politicians
Impact of Policies on Standards Primary schools –Hundreds of millions £ –Impact on reading Tiny –Impact on maths Modest Secondary –GCSE: more passes and higher grades
But why this discontinuity?
Ability - A level students
A Level – same ability
Summary Massive efforts to raise standards More students staying on More gaining qualifications Levels of basic skills have remained fairly constant Higher grades are easier to obtain
How do you teach Maths?
Maths 2009
English Lit. 2009
Maths & English 2009
Investigation Looked across all subjects to find a process: –Used little –Positively related to value-added –Positively related to attitudes We found one Presenting your work to the class
Introduced in Several A level courses Over 6 weeks Some weeks used, some not Statements rated lessons every week
Results With more student presentations lessons were: –More stimulating –More Involving –More enjoyable –Easier –More relaxing