Basic Digital Design Discussion D2.3
Basic Digital Design Sum of Products Design –Minterms Product of Sums Design –Maxterms
Exclusive-OR Gate XOR X Y Z Z = X xor Y X Y Z
Sum of Products Design X Y minterms 0 0 m0 = X'Y' 0 1 m1 = X'Y 1 0 m2 = XY' 1 1 m3 = XY
Sum of Products Design X Y Z Design an XOR gate m1 = X'Y m2 = XY' Z = m1 + m2 = (X'Y) + (XY')
Precedence of Logical Operators All not operations are done first All and operations are done next All or operations are done last Z = (X'Y) + (XY') = X'Y + XY'
Basic Digital Design Sum of Products Design –Minterms Product of Sums Design –Maxterms
Product of Sums Design Maxterms: A maxterm is NOT a minterm maxterm M0 = NOT minterm m0 M0 = m0' = (X'Y')' = (X'' + Y'')'' = X + Y
Product of Sums Design X Y minterms maxterms 0 0 m0 = X'Y' M0 = m0' = X + Y 0 1 m1 = X'Y M1 = m1' = X + Y' 1 0 m2 = XY' M2 = m2' = X' + Y 1 1 m3 = XY M3 = m3' = X' + Y'
Product of Sums Design X Y Z Design an XOR gate Z is NOT minterm m0 AND it is NOT minterm m3
Product of Sums Design X Y Z Design an XOR gate M0 = X + Y M3 = X' + Y' Z = M0 * M3 = (X + Y)(X' + Y')