Albert C K Choi Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering A Virtual Factory Model for Learning and Teaching of Product and Process Design Albert C K Choi Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Aim of the Project This project aims at using virtual manufacturing applications in the subject area of product design and manufacture It is proposed to develop teaching and learning materials with integrated case study using multi-media format for illustrating various methods and computer tools in product design and process analysis Problem based learning activities would be incorporated into the various stages of the project seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
The Digital (Virtual) Factory A newly established laboratory with world class software and hardware facilities To provide an interactive, graphical-based discrete event simulation environment for students, researchers to model, develop, experiment, analyze and optimize design and manufacturing processes in a digital (virtual) environment prior to production seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
New Curriculum Under Development Alongside with the development of the Digital Factory in the Department, a framework of a new 9 credit student centered learning activity titled "Integrated Product and Process Design (IPPD)" has been developed. The activity based on the "Virtual Factory" concept. This is to be implemented in the final year of the BEng/MEng course in Industrial and Systems Engineering. seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Objective This subject is aimed to integrate the different aspects in the area of product and process design through an integrated problem base learning approach. The learning activities are carried out in the Digital Factory laboratory, which provides a self learning interactive, flexible and graphic-based digital simulation environment for students to model, develop, experiment, analyze and optimize product design and manufacturing process including plant layout. seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Teaching and Learning Approach The subject is conducted with problem based approach. The student group has to determine the knowledge they need to master in order to complete the task requirements. The knowledge is arranged as a range of study modules which are available to the students for choosing. These modules are designed with student-centered nature, with coverage of differing virtual design and manufacturing tools. A mixture of lectures, briefings, seminars, tutorials, simulation exercises and case studies will be used to deliver the various topics so that students are able to complete the task activities. At the end each student is required to compile an overall portfolio to illustrate the learning outcomes. seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Framework IPPD Task Activities Virtual Manufacturing Learning Modules Product Design Process Design and Optimization Plant & Workplace Design seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Typical Student Centered Study Modules Computer Aided Design using Pro-E, UG, Solid Work and Catia Product Data Management SmarTeam e-Manufacturing using eM Power and QUEST Virtual Machining using IGRIP & VNC Virtual Assembly using Dynamo Design for Assembly using Boothroyd & Dewhurst Mould Flow Analysis using C-mold Sheet metal tooling analysis using Pam-stamp Computer aided process planning seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Task Activities Product Design Evaluation Based on the product received, each group of student will apply different types of design analysis tools to evaluate the requirements including functions, quality, assembly so as to dictate the detail specification of the design. Detailed product engineering specification and virtual prototyping of the product are the required task results. seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Task Activities Optimization and Design of process, tooling and workplace This task consists of the detailed evaluation of manufacturing process parameters and tooling design by applying virtual manufacturing tools such as virtual machining, mould flow analysis and plant simulation. Deliverables include detailed process plans and specific design of tooling seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Assessment Method Student-centered study modules 30% Task reports and presentations (including peer assessment) 60% Individual portfolio 10% seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Case Study - Rapid Product Development This case study deals the adoption of concurrent engineering can take advantages of information systems to synchronize the data and help to provide a virtual collaboration among the users. The case example illustrates how the isolated islands of functional unit can be grouped together through the adoption of concurrent engineering concept, thus bringing an integrated view of a company's knowledge sources to an individual's desktop, enabling better decision making by providing immediate access to key business information. The package is available on a CD with instructions for the students and guidance notes for the teacher. seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Case Study – Web Integrated Product and Process Planning This case example is designed to facilitate the real time input from potential customers regarding the kind of product they want, allowing small quantities with dissimilar design of product. In addition, the case example prototype is going to provide value chain information such as order placement and production logistics. Such prototype aims at quickly providing the right information to the right place at the right time in the right format throughout the inter-enterprise concurrent engineering processes to facilitate communication, coordination, control and integration of multi-enterprise concurrent product and process development. seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Self Learning Package - Integrated Design and Planning for Assembly in a Virtual Environment This package concentrates on the area of design for assembly and virtual analysis. It includes a set of study guide and notes to help students to get familiarize with the topic. A case study using software to illustrate the concept of the analysis and typical results obtained including product redesign and improvement directions. An exercise based on a toy train model has been included and assessment of results are to be discussed. A number of short multiple choice questions are also available for students' self evaluation in the form of a quiz. The package has been trial implemented in the last semester and was well accepted by the students. seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt
Learning Package on Virtual Design and Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming This package concentrates on how computer assists the design and analysis of sheet metal forming. It includes a slide show and movie to help student to have a general idea of the process, the advantage of computer aided design, with demonstration of professional software used in industry. A number of multiple choice questions are available to help student familiar with the basic concept of sheet metal forming. seminar/seminar06182002/albert.ppt