John Arthur Photon October 27, Photon Systems Overview John Arthur SLAC
John Arthur Photon October 27, Photon Systems Includes LCLS x-ray and laser groups X-ray Transport, Optics and Diagnostics (XTOD) managed by LLNL (Richard Bionta) X-ray Endstation Systems (XES) managed by SLAC (Stefan Moeller) Laser Systems managed by SLAC (Bill White)
John Arthur Photon October 27, XTOD Scope Transport the x-ray beam, in vacuum, to all the experimental stations Condition the x-ray beam, with attenuators and apertures Analyze the x-ray beam, with sophisticated diagnostics
John Arthur Photon October 27, XES Scope The X-Ray Endstation Systems group provides the infrastructure required for experimenters to make best scientific use of the LCLS radiation safely. Includes advanced x-ray detector R&D.
John Arthur Photon October 27, Laser Group Scope The Laser group coordinates laser design and acquisition throughout the LCLS. Lasers will be used in the electron gun and x-ray experimental areas, and also possibly for accelerator diagnostics and alignment.
John Arthur Photon October 27, LUSI Project Scope LCLS Ultrafast Science Instruments is a distinct DOE project closely coordinated with LCLS. It will build 4 science instruments which will occupy LCLS x-ray hutches. This will enable work in three of the LCLS Science Thrust Areas: X-ray pump-probe dynamics, Coherent x-ray imaging, and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. The project is just starting, with major funding expected in FY2007.
John Arthur Photon October 27, LCLS Designs are maturing XTOD instrumentation at concept review stage Conventional facilities at Title 2 stage
John Arthur Photon October 27, m GAS ATTEN SOLID ATTEN STOP COLLIM Mirrors STOP FEE 7 ft Fe 3 ft concrete 4 ft Fe Extra length added to accommodate x-ray offset mirrors
John Arthur Photon October 27, Building up the X-Ray Systems XTOD group has about 20 people now XES has 1 person and 2 openings 2 other recent x-ray related hires at LCLS, 1 opening LUSI has 5 openings now, more soon
John Arthur Photon October 27, LCLS CF costs are expected to be high May need to cut some scope Need to prioritize possible cuts
John Arthur Photon October 27, Possible Scope Reductions Eliminate flipper mirrors (~$1M) Reduce length of x-ray transport tunnel by 10% (20m, ~$0.5M)
John Arthur Photon October 27, NEH Flipper Mirrors Hutch 1 9.5x10m Hutch 2 Hutch 3
John Arthur Photon October 27, ft tunnel 46ft tunnel 212ft Hutch 4 Hutch 5 Hutch 6 Entrance tunnel Reduced scope FEH design hutch extended single beamline
John Arthur Photon October 27, Effects of reductions No flipper mirrors: beamline shared in FEH Shorter tunnel: side beams closer to each other by 10% (1.8m vs 2m)
John Arthur Photon October 27, LUSI Progress CD0 signed in August, project is official Initial hiring taking place Input from potential users is helping to define instruments Working closely with XES and XTOD groups to develop an optimal layout for experiments
John Arthur Photon October 27, NEH Flipper Mirrors X-ray pump- probe Atomic physics, other soft x-ray science, and diagnostics
John Arthur Photon October 27, FEH XPCS Coherent x-ray imaging High energy density science (FUTURE)
John Arthur Photon October 27, Summary Major staff increase ongoing Experimental needs coming into focus XTOD design well along, XES starting Need to consider possible scope cuts to save $