Key Facts About Minnesota Health Care Markets For more information:
Health Care Cost Trends in Minnesota
Minnesota Health Care Spending by Source of Funds, 2005 Source: MDH Health Economics Program Total Spending $29.4 Billion
Shares of Minnesota Health Spending by Source of Funds, Public Spending 39.7%40.4%39.6%39.8%39.4% Medicare 14.6%14.3%13.8%14.2%14.6% Medicaid 18.2%18.9%18.7%18.6%17.8% Other Public Spending 7.0%7.2%7.1% 7.0% Private Spending 60.3%59.6%60.4%60.2%60.6% Private Health Insurance 41.0%41.2%42.6%42.7%43.5% Out of Pocket 15.2%14.7%14.5%14.4%14.0% Other Private 4.0%3.7%3.3%3.1%3.0% Total 100.0% Source: MDH Health Economics Program Note: Detail may not sum to 100% due to rounding.
Public Spending for Health Care in Minnesota: Federal, State, and Local Shares, 2005 Source: MDH Health Economics Program Total Public Spending in 2005: $11.6 Billion
Minnesota Health Care Spending by Type of Service, 2005 Source: MDH Health Economics Program Total Spending $29.4 Billion
Shares of Minnesota Health Care Spending by Type of Service, 2001 to 2005 Type of Service Inpatient Hospital20.1%19.9%19.8%19.6%19.7% Outpatient Hospital7.5%8.0%8.4%8.8%9.6% Physician Services22.6%22.7%22.5%21.2%21.7% Long Term Care (including Home Care) 16.8% 16.0%15.9%15.4% Prescription Drugs10.7%11.4%12.1%12.5%11.9% Dental3.4% 3.6%3.5% Other Professional Services2.7% 2.8%3.0%3.1% Other Spending16.2%15.1%14.9%15.4%15.2% Total 100.0% Source: MDH Health Economics Program
Health Care Spending Per Capita and as a Share of the Economy, Minnesota and U.S Per Capita Health Care Spending: Minnesota $4,232$4,662$5,128$5,372$5,742 U.S. $4,825$5,202$5,577$5,922$6,276 Health Care Spending as a Share of the Economy: Minnesota 11.1%11.8%12.5%12.3%12.7% U.S. 13.6%14.3%14.8% 15.0% Sources: MDH Health Economics Program, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (spending for health services and supplies)
Private Health Insurance Premium and Spending Trends, 1995 to 2005 Source: MDH Health Economics Program. Fully-insured market only.
Key Minnesota Health Care Cost and Economic Indicators, 1995 to 2005 Notes: health care cost is MN privately insured spending on health care services per person, and does not include enrollee out of pocket spending for deductibles, copayments/coinsurance, and services not covered by insurance.. Sources: Health care cost data from Minnesota Department of Health, Health Economics Program; per capita personal income from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; inflation data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (consumer price index); workers’ wages from MN Department of Employment and Economic Development
Total Cost Per Person and Health Plan/Enrollee Shares, 1997 to 2005 Source: MDH Health Economics Program.
Health Care Cost Drivers: Spending Growth and Shares of Total Growth by Service, 2003 to 2005 Note: growth rates calculated as annual growth per enrollee over the 2-year period. “Other medical” includes skilled nursing facilities, home health care, emergency services, services of health professionals other than physicians and dentists, durable medical goods, and chemical dependency/mental health. Source: MDH Health Economics Program. Growth RateShare of Spending Growth
Sources: Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Health Coverage Reinsurance Association Premium Increases in Minnesota’s Small Group Market, 1999 to 2006
Premium Increases in Minnesota's Individual Market, 1999 to 2006 Source: Minnesota Health Coverage Reinsurance Association and Minnesota Department of Health
Health Insurance Coverage in Minnesota
Distribution of Minnesota Population by Primary Source of Insurance Coverage, 2005 Source: MDH Health Economics Program Total Population 5.1 Million Private Health Insurance: 67.5% Fully insured 27.3% Self-insured 40.2%
Private Health Insurance: Enrollment in Fully Insured and Self-Insured Plans, 1997 to 2005 Source: MDH Health Economics Program
Private Health Insurance: Enrollment in Large Group, Small Group, and Individual Coverage, 2004 Source: MDH Health Economics Program
Percent of Minnesota Businesses Offering Health Insurance, by Firm Size, 2006 *Indicates a statistically significant difference (95% level) from the rate for all firm sizes Source: preliminary results from 2006 Minnesota Employer Health Insurance Survey
Percent of Minnesota Businesses Offering Health Insurance, by Region, 2006 *Indicates a statistically significant difference (95% level) from the statewide rate Source: preliminary results from 2006 Minnesota Employer Health Insurance Survey
Percent of Employees Working for a Firm That Offers Health Insurance, by Firm Size, 2006 *Indicates a statistically significant difference (95% level) from the rate for all firm sizes Source: preliminary results from 2006 Minnesota Employer Health Insurance Survey
Percent of Employees Working for a Firm That Offers Health Insurance, by Region, 2006 *Indicates a statistically significant difference (95% level) from the statewide rate Source: preliminary results from 2006 Minnesota Employer Health Insurance Survey
Eligibility and Take-up Rates of Employer Coverage by Firm Size, 2006 *Indicates a statistically significant difference (95% level) from the rate for all firm sizes Source: preliminary results from 2006 Minnesota Employer Health Insurance Survey
Eligibility and Take-up Rates of Employer Coverage by Region, 2006 *Differences across regions are not statistically significant. Source: preliminary results from 2006 Minnesota Employer Health Insurance Survey
Average Employer Contribution to Premium for Single Coverage, by Firm Size, 2002 Differences in the employer contribution across firm sizes are not statistically significant. Source: Minnesota Employer Health Insurance Survey, 2002
Average Employer Contribution to Premium for Family Coverage, by Firm Size, 2002 Differences in the employer contribution across firm sizes are not statistically significant. Source: Minnesota Employer Health Insurance Survey, 2002
Note: Fully Insured market only. Source: MDH, Health Economics Program; estimates based on data from various sources. Trends in Minnesota Small Group Health Insurance Enrollment, 1994 to 2006
Per Person Annual Deductibles in the Small Group Market, 2002 to 2005 (by share of total enrollment) Source: MDH, Health Economics Program *Median calculation excludes enrollees with no deductible Range: $100 to $2,500Range $100 to $5,000 Median: $500 No Deductible65.6%52.1% Less than $ %16.5% $500 to $ %16.9% $1,000 to $1,9996.2%10.3% $2,000 or More0.2%4.2% 100.0%
Family Level Annual Deductibles in the Small Group Market, 2002 to 2005 (by share of total enrollment) Range: $200 to $5,000Range: $200 to $10,000 Median: $1,000 No Deductible65.6%52.1% Less than $5000.9%2.0% $500 to $ %14.4% $1,000 to $1, %16.9% $2,000 or More6.8%14.6% 100.0% Source: MDH, Health Economics Program *Median calculation excludes enrollees with no deductible
Trends in Minnesota Individual Market Enrollment, 1994 to 2006 Source: MDH, Health Economics Program; estimates based on data from various sources.
Per Person Annual Deductibles in the Individual Market, 2002 to 2005 (by share of total enrollment) Source: MDH, Health Economics Program *Median calculation excludes enrollees with no deductible Range $50 to $10,000 Median $1,000Median $1,500 None2.4% Less than $5004.7%2.9% $500 to $ %13.6% $1,000 to $1, %40.4% $2,000 to $2, %25.9% $3,000 to $3,9991.0%3.5% $4,000 to $5,9996.6%8.8% $6,000 or More1.2%2.2% Per Illness3.4%0.4% 100.0%
Family Level Annual Deductibles in the Individual Market, 2002 to 2005 (by share of total enrollment) Source: MDH, Health Economics Program *Median calculation excludes enrollees with no deductible Range: $100 to $20,000Range: $100 to $30,000 Median: $2,000Median: $4,000 None2.4%2% Less than $1,0001.4%3% $1,000 to $2, %20% $3,000 to $4,9997.1%38% $5,000 to $6,9992.7%21% $7,000 to $10,9990.7%4% $12,000 or more0.4%10% Dependent on Family Size59.9%0% Per Illness3.4%0% 100%
Uninsurance in Minnesota
Uninsurance Rate Trends in Minnesota *Indicates statistically significant difference (95% level) from prior survey year. Source: 1995, 1999, 2001, 2004 Minnesota Health Access Surveys
Sources of Insurance Coverage in Minnesota, 2001 and 2004 * Indicates statistically different at 95% level from Source: Minnesota Health Access Surveys, 2001 and 2004 (preliminary). Estimates that rely solely on household survey data differ slightly from annual estimates that include both survey and administrative data.
Sources of Health Insurance Coverage in Minnesota by Age, 2004 * Indicates statistically significant difference from rate for all ages. Source: 2004 Minnesota Health Access Survey
Sources of Health Insurance Coverage in Minnesota by Income, 2004 * Indicates statistically significant difference from rate for all incomes. Source: 2004 Minnesota Health Access Survey Income as % of Federal Poverty Guidelines
Sources of Health Insurance Coverage in Minnesota by Race/Ethnicity, 2004 * Indicates statistically significant difference from rate for all race/ethnicities. Source: 2004 Minnesota Health Access Survey
Uninsurance Rates by Economic Development Region, 2001 and 2004 *Indicates statistically significant difference (95% level) from ^Indicates statistically different at 95% level from state rate within year. Source: Minnesota Health Access Surveys, 2001 and 2004
Income Distribution of Minnesota’s Uninsured Population, 2001 and 2004 Family Income as % of Federal Poverty Guidelines Distribution of Uninsured Comparison: State Population %17.1%26.3%*6.9%^9.5%*^ %35.4%31.5%15.3%^16.6%*^ %22.9%20.6%19.6%^17.7%* %11.1%11.9%17.2%^18.9%*^ 401%+13.5%9.8%*40.9%^37.3%*^ 100.0% *Indicates statistically different at 95% level from ^ Indicates statistically significant difference between uninsured and total population at 95% level within year. Source: 2001 and 2004 Minnesota Health Access Surveys
Employment Characteristics of Minnesota’s Uninsured Population, 2001 and 2004 Distribution of Uninsured Comparison: State Population Employed72.6%69.9%75.0%72.3%* Of Those Who Are Employed: Temporary/Seasonal Job 20.9%22.6%4.9%^8.4%*^ Number of Hours Worked Per Week 0 to 10 hours1.3%1.2%1.4% 11 to 20 hours7.9%7.2%5.0%^5.6% 21 to 30 hours15.0%16.7%6.7%^7.0%^ 31 to 40 hours47.7%45.9%48.4%50.0% More than 40 hours28.1%29.0%38.4%^36.0%*^ 100.0% For uninsured children, refers to parent * Indicates statistically different at 95% level from ^ Indicates statistically significant difference between uninsured and total population at 95% level within year. Source: 2001 and 2004 Minnesota Health Access Surveys
Employment Characteristics of Minnesota’s Uninsured Population, 2001 and 2004: Size of Employer Distribution of Uninsured Comparison: State Population Size of Employer Self employed13.4%9.3%*6.5%^5.2%*^ Fewer than 10 employees26.8% 13.1%^13.4%^ 11 to 50 employees16.5%19.6%14.4%13.4%^ 51 to 100 employees10.1%15.0%8.0%10.6%*^ 101 to 500 employees14.0%12.8%16.6%17.6%^ More than 500 employees19.2%16.7%41.4%^39.7%^ 100.0% For uninsured children, refers to parent * Indicates statistically different at 95% level from ^ Indicates statistically significant difference between uninsured and total population at 95% level within year. Source: 2001 and 2004 Minnesota Health Access Surveys
Distribution adds to more than 100% since individuals were allowed to choose more than one race/ethnicity. * Indicates statistically different at 95% level from ^ Indicates statistically significant difference between uninsured and total population at 95% level within year. Source: 2001 and 2004 Minnesota Health Access Surveys Racial/Ethnic Distribution of Minnesota’s Uninsured Population, 2001 and 2004 Distribution of UninsuredComparison: State Population White75.7%70.1%*90.7%^88.7%*^ Black12.0%7.6%*4.2%^4.4%^ American Indian5.1%5.6%1.7%^2.0%^ Asian3.9%4.8%3.2%3.6% Other1.0%0.2%*0.4%0.1%* Hispanic9.0%15.1%*2.9%^3.3%^ See note
Access to Employer Coverage: Offer, Eligibility, and Take-up Rates, 2001 and : Person works for or has a family member who works for an employer that offers health insurance. 2: Percent of those with a connection to an employer that offers coverage who are eligible for health insurance coverage offered by that employer. 3: Percent of those eligible for employer coverage who enroll. *Indicates statistically different at 95% level from Source: 2001 and 2004 Minnesota Health Access Surveys 123
Minnesota’s Uninsured: Potential Access to Coverage, 2001 and Employer offer: percent of uninsured who work for or have a family member who works for an employer offering coverage. 2. Employer eligible: percent of uninsured who are eligible for coverage through an employer. 3. Potentially public eligible: based on family structure, income, and eligibility for employer coverage. Note: The employer eligible, potentially public eligible, and not eligible for employer or public coverage categories add to more than 100 percent because some of the uninsured are potentially eligible for either employer or public coverage. * Indicates statistically different from 2001 at 95% level. Source: 2001 and 2004 Minnesota Health Access Surveys 1 23
Public Insurance Programs
Medicare Enrollment and Spending, Minnesota and U.S. Enrollment Expenditures ($ millions) Estimated spending per enrollee Fiscal yrMinnesotaU.S.MinnesotaU.S.MinnesotaU.S ,73336,935,366$2,116$162,481$3,392$4, ,52137,535,024$2,381$180,088$3,776$4, ,74838,064,130$2,265$194,393$3,563$5, ,29338,444,739$2,415$207,156$3,778$5, ,87738,824,855$2,442$209,509$3,792$5, ,27239,140,386$2,430$208,648$3,748$5, ,40539,619,986$2,509$215,689$3,834$5, ,39940,025,724$2,760$237,269$4,179$5, ,40740,488,878$2,937$251,117$4,400$6, ,15641,086,981$3,184$274,054$4,709$6, ,15541,728,804$3,486$300,089$5,080$7,191 Sources: Enrollment data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as of July 1 each year. Spending estimates by federal fiscal year from the U.S. Census Bureau, Consolidated Federal Funds Report; specific estimates for MN developed by MDH using an adjustment for border crossing.
Minnesota’s Medicare Enrollment as Percent of Population, by Region Sources: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, enrollment by county as of July 1, 2004; U.S. Census Bureau, population by county as of July 1, 2004
Medicare Managed Care Enrollment Trends, Minnesota and U.S. Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Medicare Managed Care Contract Reports for December of each year and total enrollment as of July 1 each year.
Medical Assistance Enrollment and Spending History Growth in: State FY Avg. Monthly Enrollment Spending ($ millions) Avg. Monthly Spending per EnrolleeEnrollment Total Spending Spending per Enrollee ,467$2,805$ %8.2%9.5% ,585$2,797$ %-0.3%3.1% ,891$2,917$ %4.3%11.5% ,054$2,997$ %2.7%7.7% ,737$3,233$ %7.9%8.5% ,884$3,582$7883.0%10.8%7.5% ,668$4,136$8546.5%15.5%8.4% ,595$4,761$8969.6%15.1%5.0% ,650$4,991$8974.9%4.8%-0.1% ,861$5,193$8964.0% 0.0% ,406$5,435$9093.2%4.7%1.4% Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services
Medical Assistance Enrollment and Spending Growth Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services.
Medical Assistance Enrollment and Spending by Eligibility Category, 2005 Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services, data for state fiscal year 2005
MinnesotaCare Enrollment and Spending History Growth in: State FY Avg. Monthly Enrollment Spending ($ millions) Avg. Monthly Spending per EnrolleeEnrollment Total Spending Spending per Enrollee ,277$80$7514.0%41.7%24.3% ,136$98$885.5%23.2%16.8% ,854$108$925.1%10.5%5.2% ,552$164$1298.9%51.7%39.3% ,999$187$1432.3%13.8%11.2% ,247$240$ %28.3%14.4% ,022$351$ %46.3%29.6% ,205$435$2409.6%23.8%13.0% ,505$487$ %11.9%14.0% ,822$409$ %-16.1%-12.1% ,733$438$ %7.3%18.2% Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services
MinnesotaCare Enrollment and Spending Growth Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services.
MinnesotaCare Enrollment by Eligibility Category, 2006 Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services, data for July 2006.
General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC) Enrollment and Spending History Growth in: State FY Avg. Monthly Enrollment Spending ($ millions) Avg. Monthly Spending per EnrolleeEnrollment Total Spending Spending per Enrollee ,533$153$ %1.4%23.9% ,428$145$ %-5.1%7.5% ,113$121$ %-16.7%2.9% ,794$132$ %9.5%27.2% ,347$128$ %-3.4%10.8% ,592$135$4575.3%5.5%0.1% ,886$182$ %35.3%11.3% ,340$248$ %36.1%8.9% ,957$246$ %-1.0%5.8% ,797$237$5365.3%-3.7%-8.5% ,201$289$6146.5%22.1%14.6% Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services
GAMC Enrollment and Spending Growth Source: Minnesota Department of Human Services.
MCHA Enrollment and Spending History Growth in: Calendar Year Enrollment as of 12/31 Claims ($ millions) Avg. Monthly Claims per EnrolleeEnrollment Total Claims Claims per Enrollee ,477$93$ %6.4%6.9% ,470$95$ %2.3%10.0% ,552$88$ %-7.3%2.2% ,314$91$ %3.6%11.6% ,954$90$ %-0.5%4.6% ,433$102$3361.9%12.3%14.3% ,938$112$3642.0%10.3%8.2% ,428$125$3895.7%11.2%7.0% ,088$141$ % 3.4% ,705$175$4508.4%23.9%11.9% ,063$205$ %17.1%13.6% Source: Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association. Claims per enrollee estimated by MDH using average of year-end enrollment figures.
MCHA Enrollment and Spending Growth Source: Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association. Claims per enrollee estimated by MDH using average of year-end enrollment figures.
MCHA Claims, Premiums, and Losses Calendar Year Claims ($ millions) Premiums ($ millions) Losses ($ millions) Premiums as % of Claims 1994$93$54$4458.6% 1995$95$52$4955.3% 1996$88$49$4355.8% 1997$91$47$4852.2% 1998$90$48$4752.8% 1999$102$52$5751.1% 2000$112$ % 2001$125$65$6652.2% 2002$141$77$7254.7% 2003$175$93$9053.4% 2004$205$107$ % Source: Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association.
Key Statistics on Minnesota Health Plans
Health Plan Market Shares: Total Fully- Insured Private Market, 2005 (Premium Volume: $5.24 billion) Note: Companies with common ownership were treated as one entity. For example, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota includes BCBSM and Blue Plus. Fully insured market only, market share based on premium volume. Source: MDH Health Economics Program, analysis of MCHA Premium Database for 2005.
Health Plan Market Shares: Small Group Market, 2006 Note: Companies with common ownership were treated as one entity. For example, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota includes BCBSM and Blue Plus. Market shares based on premium volume; fully insured market only. Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce, "Report of 2006 Loss Ratio Experience in the Individual and Small Employer Health Plan Markets for: Insurance Companies Nonprofit Health Service Plan Corporations and Health Maintenance Organizations," June Total Premium Volume in 2006: $1.5 Billion
Loss Ratio Experience in the Small Group Market, 1997 to 2006 Companies with common ownership have been combined for purposes of this analysis. Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce loss ratio reports.
Health Plan Market Shares: Individual Market, 2006 Note: Companies with common ownership were treated as one entity. For example, Time Ins. Co. includes Time Ins. Co. and John Alden Life Ins. Co.. Market shares based on premium volume; fully insured market only. Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce, "Report of 2006 Loss Ratio Experience in the Individual and Small Employer Health Plan Markets for: Insurance Companies Nonprofit Health Service Plan Corporations and Health Maintenance Organizations," June Total Premium Volume in 2006: $520 Million
Loss Ratio Experience in the Individual Market, 1997 to 2006 Companies with common ownership have been combined for purposes of this analysis. Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce loss ratio reports.
Summary of HMO Financial Trends, 2002 to Net Income$65.4$128.9$133.3$63.5$33.2 Total Revenue$4,213.8$4,514.6$4,506.8$4,643.9$5,028.5 Net Income as % of Revenue1.6%2.9%3.0%1.4%0.7% Minnesota products only. Definition of “total revenue” varies across years. Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of HMO annual reports In Millions of Dollars
Minnesota HMO Profitability by Product Line, 2002 to 2006 Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of HMO annual reports
Minnesota Hospitals
*Available beds is defined as “the number of acute care beds that are immediately available for use or could be brought online within a short period of time.” **Licensed beds is defined as “the number of beds licensed by the Department of Health, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections to ” Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System Number of Hospitals Available Beds* Occupancy Rate Based on Available Beds Licensed Beds** Occupancy Rate Based on Licensed Beds Available Beds Per 1,000 Population 13611, %16, %2.3 Hospital Capacity in Minnesota, 2005
Region Number of Hospitals Available Beds* Occupancy Rate Based on Available Beds Licensed Beds** Occupancy Rate Based on Licensed Beds Available Beds Per 1,000 Population Central201, %1, %1.6 Metropolitan265, %8, %2.1 Northeast171, %1, %3.7 Northwest % %2.3 South Central % %1.9 Southeast121, %2, %3.5 Southwest % %2.8 West Central % %1.9 Total13611, %16, %2.3 *Available beds is defined as “the number of acute care beds that are immediately available for use or could be brought online within a short period of time.” **Licensed beds is defined as “the number of beds licensed by the Department of Health, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections to ” Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System Regional Hospital Capacity in Minnesota, 2005
Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System Minnesota Hospital Visits and Admissions, Admissions Outpatient visits
Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System Average Length of Stay (ALOS) in Minnesota Hospitals, 1995 – 2005 Average length of stay (days)
Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System Trend in Outpatient Surgeries at Minnesota Hospitals,
Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System Trend in Emergency Room Visits at Minnesota Hospitals,
Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System Net Income of Minnesota Hospitals, 1995 to 2005 Millions of dollars
Minnesota Hospitals' Net Income as a Percent of Revenue, Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System
Payer Percent of Total Patient Revenue Medicare 30.4% State Programs (MA/GAMC/MNCare) 11.0% Private Insurance 49.9% Self-Pay 4.7% Other 3.9% Total 100.0% Sources of Patient Revenue for Minnesota Hospitals, 2005
Uncompensated Care Costs in Minnesota Hospitals, 1996 to 2005 *Uncompensated care figures are adjusted by a cost to charge ratio. Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System.
Uncompensated Care Trends in Minnesota and the U.S., 1996 to 2005 *Uncompensated care figures are adjusted by a cost to charge ratio. Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System; American Hospital Association
Uncompensated Care Trends for Rural and Urban Minnesota Hospitals, 1996 to 2005 *Uncompensated care figures are adjusted by a cost to charge ratio. Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System.
Minnesota’s Largest Providers of Hospital Uncompensated Care, 2005 *Uncompensated care figures are adjusted by a cost to charge ratio. Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System. 2.0%, statewide average
Source: MDH, Health Care Cost Information System Services AvailableServices Not available Surgery Inpatient Surgery1288 Outpatient Surgery1342 Open-Heart Surgery Services18118 Organ Transplant Services6130 Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Services Outpatient Psychiatric Services5680 Detoxification Services25111 Diagnostic Radiology Computer Tomography (CT) Scanning Services1315 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Services1288 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Services13123 Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) Services Other Services Renal Dialysis Services4195 Cardiac Catheterization Services23113 Number of Hospitals Services Available in Minnesota Hospitals, 2005
Physician Services
Source: MDH, Office of Rural Health & Primary Care Number of Physicians:12,799 Primary Care Physicians6,125 Specialty Physicians6,674 Physicians per 100,000 Population:249 Primary Care Physicians119 Specialty Physicians130 Estimated Number of Physicians Practicing in Minnesota, 2005
Metropolitan counties include the 21 Minnesota counties that are classified as part of a metropolitan statistical area. Source: MDH, Office of Rural Health & Primary Care MetroNon-MetroTotal Number of Physicians:10,8941,90512,799 Primary Care Physicians4,8951,2306,125 Specialty Physicians5, ,674 Physicians per 100,000 Population: Primary Care Physicians Specialty Physicians Estimated Number of Physicians Practicing in Metro and Non-Metro Counties, 2005