August 19, IUPAP C11 Vera Lüth Chair of C11 International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Commission of Particles and Fields
Vera LüthIUPAP – C112 2 IUPAP - International Union of Pure and Applied Physics C11 - Commission On Particles and Fields NC – National Contacts ICSU - International Council of Science 20 Commissions 13+3 Members 27 Unions 73 Nat. Scientific Members 55 contacts +35 via ICTP
Vera LüthIUPAP – C113 IUPAP - C11 V. G. Lüth A. Smith M. Turala C. Fosco R. Godbole G. Herten T. Huang E. Iarocci A. Sissakian S. Stapnes G. Wormser T. Yamanaka M. Zeller Associate Members USA Chair U.K. Vice Chair Poland Secretary Argentina India Germany China Italy Russia Norway France Japan USA E. Zas D.-O. Riska A. McDonald C4 C12 C19 Commission on Particles and Field Members Oct – Oct. 2005
Vera LüthIUPAP – C114 C11 Activities Oversight and sponsorship of two international conferences, i.e. ICHEP and LP in alternate years Guidelines for meetings and assistance in international contacts C11 does not formulate conference program Information: and Important Working Groups: International Committee For Future Accelerators J. Dorfan (chair) Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics and Gravitation Committee A.Bettini (chair) ICFA PANAGIC
Vera LüthIUPAP – C115 C11 Tradition of more than 40 Years ICHEP - 94 LP - 95 ICHEP-96 LP - 97 ICHEP - 98 LP - 99 ICHEP - 00 LP - 01 ICHEP - 02 LP – 03 ICHEP - 04 Future Conferences Beijing Uppsala Moscow LP - 05 Uppsala ICHEP - 06 Moscow LP - 07 Daegu ICHEP - 08 Philadelphia ? LP – 09 Hamburg/Mumbai? ICHEP -10 Paris/Heidelberg ? Glasgow Beijing Warsaw Hamburg Vancouver Stanford Osaka Rome Amsterdam Batavia Beijing Past Conferences
Vera LüthIUPAP – C116 Continuing US Visa Problems Procedures and policies for US visa approval have impacted many scientists, from students to laboratory directors. There is growing recognition that the impact is severe and consequences might be irreparable! Even though procedures have been streamlined in recent months, the overall process remains inefficient, unnecessarily lengthy and opaque. Various proposals, including one by leaders of the major US science organizations, are being evaluated by US government agencies. It is hoped that some of them will get implemented, namely multi-entry multi-year visa for students and scientists with continuing engagements elimination of repetitive drawn-out security checks passports be returned to applicants while application is being considered special procedures for conferences and meetings with international participation addition of trained staff and other resources to improve processing of applications Consistent with its mandate IUPAP has advised that it will sponsorship should not be granted to conferences in the USA until free access of scientists can be guaranteed.
Vera LüthIUPAP – C117 C11 Initiative: Authorship of Publications As Collaborations supporting major experiments grow, authorship of publications is becoming more and more of an issue. Author lists cannot continue to grow they do not appropriately credit those who have contributed most they do not allow others to identify those most knowledgeable about the results, thereby hampering scientific discourse they lead to absurd and useless publication and citation records C11 suggests the Formation of a Working Group Represent large collaborations, Laboratories, C11, individuals Interact with IUPAP WG on publications Consult with publishers C11 is prepared to formulate the charge and to set the time line. Recognize problem, explore solutions, formulate guidelines Outcome is uncertain – Consensus will be hard to achieve! Introductory meeting was held this week!
Vera LüthIUPAP – C118 World Conference on Physics and Sustainable Development, Durban, S.A. Oct. 31 st – Nov, 2 nd, Sponsored by IUPAP, jointly with UNESCO and ICTP, as well as the S.A. Institute of Physics, as part of the celebration of 2005 as the Year of Physics participants from developed and developing nations Goal: Examine contributions that physics has made to society in the past Formulate and sharpen action-oriented plans for contributions physicists can and should make in the future Engage organizations of physicists in the collective implementation Four themes: Physics and Economic Development Physics and Health Energy and Environment Physics Education For additional information:
Vera LüthIUPAP – C119 - A flood of new scientific results Excellent presentations Superb facilities, organization, and support by the Beijing team under the leadership of IHEP Many thanks – you all made this a memorable event! Farewell and Thanks to Beijing - ICHEP - 04
Vera LüthIUPAP – C1110 Farewell - See you in LP - 05 XXII International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energy Uppsala University Sweden 30 June –July 5, 2005