Precision Measurements of Electromagnetic Properties of 0, η and η’ Mesons at JLab A. Gasparian NC A&T State University, Greensboro, NC and the PrimEx Collaboration Outline The project and physics motivation: The first experiment: 0 lifetime Results for the 0 lifetime PrimEx at 12 GeV The proposed → experiment with GlueX Summary
2 chiral limit: is the limit of vanishing quark masses m q → 0. QCD classical Lagrangian with quark masses set to zero: Has Large global symmetry group: The QCD Lagrangian A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, 2009
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Physics Motivation
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Physics Motivation (contin.) Fundamental input to Physics: precision tests of chiral anomaly determination of quark mass ratio - ’ mixing angle 0, and ’ interaction electromagnetic radii is the ’ an approximate Goldstone boson?
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, The PrimEx Project Experimental program Precision measurements of: Two-Photon Decay Widths: Γ( 0 → ), Γ( → ), Γ( ’ → ) Transition Form Factors at low Q 2 ( GeV 2 /c 2 ): F( * → 0 ), F( * → ), F( * → ) Test of Chiral Symmetry and Anomalies via the Primakoff Effect
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, 2009 Transition Form Factors at Low Q 2 Direct measurement of slopes Interaction radii: F γγ*P (Q 2 )≈1-1/6 ▪ P Q 2 ChPT for large N c predicts relation between the three slopes. Extraction of Ο(p 6 ) low-energy constant in the chiral Lagrangian Input for light-by-light scattering for muon (g-2) calculation Test of future lattice calculations 6
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, 0 Decay Width (the First Experiment) 0 → decay proceeds primarily via the chiral anomaly in QCD. The chiral anomaly prediction is exact for massless quarks: Corrections to the chiral anomaly prediction: (u-d quark masses and mass differences) Calculations in NLO ChPT: (J. Goity, at al. Phys. Rev. D66:076014, 2002) Γ( 0 ) = 8.10eV ± 1.0% ~4% higher than LO, uncertainty: <1% K. Kampf, B. Moussallam, PRD 79, , 2009 Precision measurements of ( 0 → ) at the percent level will provide a stringent test of a fundamental prediction of QCD. QCD sum rule calculations: (B.L. Ioffe, et al. Phys. Lett. B647, p. 389, 2007) Γ( ) is only input parameter 0 - mixing included Γ( 0 ) = 7.93eV ± 1.5%
8 Decay Length Measurements (Direct Method) 1x sec too small to measure solution: Create energetic 0 ‘s, L = v E /m for E= 1000 GeV, L mean 100 μm very challenging experiment Measure 0 decay length Recent CERN experiment, 1984: P=450 GeV proton beam Two variable separation (5-250 m) foils Result: ( 0 ) = 7.34eV 3.1% (total) Major limitations of method unknown P 0 spectrum needs higher energies for improvement 0 → A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, 2009
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Primakoff Method ρ,ωρ,ω Challenge: Extract the Primakoff amplitude 12 C target Primakoff Nucl. Coherent Interference Nucl. Incoh.
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, PrimEx Experiment JLab Hall B high resolution high intensity photon tagging facility New pair spectrometer for photon flux control at high intensities New high resolution hybrid multi-channel calorimeter (HYCAL) Requirements of Setup: high angular resolution (~0.5 mrad) high resolutions in calorimeter small beam spot size (‹1mm) Background: tagging system needed Particle ID for ( -charged part.) veto detectors needed
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, PrimEx-I Milestones Proposal approved in 1999 by PAC15, re-approved by PAC22 (E02-103) in 2002 with A rating. In 2000, NSF awarded a collaborative MRI grant of $1 M to develop the experimental setup. Installation of setup in August, Commissioning: September, 2004 (10-15 days) Data taking: September-November (45 days) data on two targets: 12 C 208 Pb, Total number of π 0 ~3.2 M Total elastic π 0 : ~ 300 K Total Primakoff π 0 : ~ 3-5 K First preliminary results released at the April, 2007 APS meeting with AIP press conference. Publication of results is expected this winter
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, PrimEx-I Experiment We measure: initial photon energy: E and time energies of decayed photons: E 1, E 2 and time X,Y positions of decayed photons Kinematical constrains: Conservation of energy; Conservation of momentum; m invariant mass PrimEx commissioned and took data: August-November, 2004
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, 0 Event selection elastic non- 0 backgroundInelastic 0 s(background) elastic 0 s(signal) Tagger-HyCal timing ( Δt) ; Energy conservation: Elasticity ((E γ1 +E γ2 )/E tagger ) Invariant mass (M γγ ) ;
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Fit to Extract 0 Decay Width Theoretical angular distributions smeared with experimental resolutions are fit to the data Γ( 0 ) 7.82 eV 2.2% (stat. error, including fit error)
Independent verifications of the extracted cross sections are needed The sources of Systematic Errors: Instrumental (experimental setup) Model errors (from fit) The data for the following QED processes had been taken periodically in this experiment: e + e - pair production Compton scattering A. Gasparian15INT 09-3, November 12, 2009 Systematic Errors in ( 0 → )
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Control of Systematic Errors: Compton Cross Section Δσ/ΔΩ (mb/6.9 msrad) Average stat. error: 0.6% Average syst. error: 1.5% Total error: 1.6% Cross sections are in agreement with theory at percent level
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Model Errors in Fitting Procedure Primakoff: magnitude kept free; form factor is calculated Nucl. Incoherent: magnitude kept free; form factor is calculated Interference: Phase angle kept free; Nucl. Coherent: magnitude kept free; form factor is calculated
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Γ( 0 ) Model Sensitivity Incoherent Production A → 0 A´ Two independent approaches: Glauber theory Cascade Model (Monte Carlo) Photon shadowing effect Deviation in Γ( 0 ) less than 0.2% Overall model error in Γ( 0 ) extraction is controlled at 0.3%
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Estimated Systematic Errors Contributions Error, [%] Photon flux1.0 Target0.1 Yield extraction1.6 HYCAL eff.0.5 Beam parameters0.4 Trigger eff.0.1 VETO eff.0.4 Acceptance0.3 Model errors (theory)0.3 Physics background 0.25 Branching ratio 0.03 Total2.1
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Final Result from PrimEx-I
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Planned PrimEx-II ExperimentContributions Error, [%] Photon flux1.0 Target0.1 Yield extraction0.5 HYCAL eff.0.2 Beam parameters0.4 Trigger eff.0.1 VETO eff.0.3 Acceptance0.3 Model errors (theory)0.3 Physics background 0.25 Branching ratio 0.03 Total (syst.) 1.3 Statistical error: 0.44% Projected PrimEx-II (1.4%)
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Proposed Experiment for → Decay Width Measurement in Hall D all-decay widths are normalized to decay width and experimental Branching Ratios (B.R.): Γ(η → all-decays) =Γ( → )/B.R. Improvement in Γ( → ) will change the whole -sector in PDG We propose to measure Γ( → ) with 3% total error using GlueX standard setup
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, → Decay Width Experiments: e + e - Collider Results e + e - e + e - * * e + e - η e + e - e +, e - scattered at small angles (not detected); Only detected; PDG average for collider experiments: Γ(η ) = ± keV ( ± 5.1%) Error in individual experiments: from 7.6% to 25% Major limitations of method unknown q 2 for * * knowledge of luminosity η →
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, The Primakoff Method ρ,ωρ,ω Challenge: Separate Primakoff amplitude from hadronic processes. η larger momentum transfer: Difficulties of → experiment: cross section is smaller larger overlap between Primakoff and hadronic processes We propose to use hydrogen and 4 He targets to address all those issues.
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Cornell Primakoff Experiment Cornell (PRL, 1974) brems. beam, E =5.8, 9.0, GeV targets: Be, Al, Cu, Ag, U Result: ( η )=(0.324 0.046) keV ( 14.2%)
26A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Proposed Experiment with GlueX Standard Setup The GlueX setup will provide: High energy tagged photon beam E γ =10 – 11.7 GeV High acceptance FCAL calorimeter LH2 and LHeTargets (30 cm) Pair Spectrometer Dedicated Run with: 5 mm diameter beam line collimator amorphous radiator (~10 -4 R.L.Au) small detector behind the FCAL for overall control of systematic errors 75 m Counting House
27A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Proposed Experiment with GlueX Standard Setup (contn.)
28A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Photon Flux Stability and Resolutions 5.0 mm collimator double the tagging efficiency from 15% to ~30% help to control photon flux stability within 1% Design limit 5.0mm coll. Designed limit Angular resolution vs. collimator diameter
29A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Acceptances and Resolutions Our interest Acceptance of FCAL vs. prod. angle Designed length Angular resolution vs. target length
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Statistics and Beam Time Request LH 2 target40 days 4 He target30 days Empty target run6 days Tagger efficiency, TAC4 days Setup calibration and checkout 8 days Total88 days Target: 30 cm (3.46% r.l.) LH 2, Np=1.28x10 24 p/cm 2 Photon intensity: 7.6x10 6 γ /sec in E γ = 10.5–11.7 GeV Total cross section on P for θ η = , Δσ = 1.1x10 -5 mb (10% is Primakoff). N(evts) = N p x N γ x Δσ x ε(eff.)x(Br. Ratio) = 1.28x10 24 x7.6x10 6 x1.1x x0.7x0.4 = 3.0 x events/sec = 2592 events/day = 259 Primakoff events/day Statistics: 1% stat. error on each LH 2 and LHe4 target Beam time request:
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Estimated Error Budget Contributions Estimated Error Photon flux1.0% Target number0.5% Background subtraction1.8% Event selection1.7% Acceptance, misalign.0.5% Beam energy0.2% Model error0.3% Branching ratio (PDG) 0.66% Total Systematic2.8% Statistical error1.0% Systematic error2.8% Total Error3.0% Systematical errors: Total estimated error:
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, The Expected Result for → Decay Width all-decay widths are normalized to decay width and experimental Branching Ratios (B.R.): Γ(η → all-decays) =Γ( → )/B.R. Improvement in Γ( → ) will change the whole -sector in PDG We propose to measure Γ( → ) with 3% total error using GlueX standard setup
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Physics Outcome from Experiment Γ(η → 3 )=Γ( → )×B.R. ( - ’) mixing angle: light quark mass ratio
Summary and Outlook A. Gasparian34INT 09-3, November 12, 2009 PrimEx-12 experimental program has been developed to perform precision tests of chiral symmetry and anomaly effects in the light pseudoscalar meson sector. The first experiment, the 0 decay width measurement, has been performed in fall, November 11, 2009November 11, in Hall B with 6 GeV beam. ( 0 ) has been extracted with high precision at 3% level. A new PrimEx-II run is approved to reach the projected 1.4% precision. New Primakoff high precision experiment for Г( → ) in Hall D will: Potentially solve the discrepancy between collider and Primakoff results; Improve all decay widths in PDG by more than a factor of 2; Determine the light quark mass ratio in model independent way; Significantly improve the ( - ’) mixing angle determination. The model error in hadronic contributions in decay width extraction process is currently controlled on 0.5% level for light and medium nuclei. Availability of modern tagged-photon beams and novel calorimetry made the Primakoff method a feasible tool to reach the required few percent accuracy in radiative decay width measurements. The GlueX experimental facility with its high resolution and high intensity 12 GeV photon tagger with high aperture FCAL calorimeter, is well suited for the Г( ) Primakoff measurement with a 3% precision. A proposal for η/ experiment is being develop using the GlueX setup with 12 GeV.
The End A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12,
Cross section on Proton A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12,
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, Γ( 0 ) Model Sensitivity (an Example) Variations in shadowing parameter ΔΓ < 0.1% F A – Nuclear Form Factor F I – Intermediate state contribution - Shadowing parameter
A. GasparianINT 09-3, November 12, 0 Forward Photoproduction off Complex Nuclei: (theoretical models) Coherent Production A → 0 A PrimakoffNuclear coherent 0 rescattering Photon shadowing Leading order processes: (with absorption) Next-to-leading order: (with absorption)