Playing with Information Literacy Jerremie Clyde Chris Thomas University of Calgary LOEX of the West 2008, Las Vegas
Benevolent Blue: Playing with Information Literacy What is Benevolent Blue? Genre and Narrative Play: Benevolent Blue training Discussion Four concepts: Non-Traditional Classroom, Skills, Advocacy and Persuasion, Physical Space and Objects Play: IL Task – Book retrieval Design Framework: Play, Story, Learning Discussion
Discussion Questions 1. As you play through this section, think about genre. What characteristics are common to this type of game play? How might this influence the expectations of the players? 2. Think about narrative and yourself as a player? Does narrative add additional motivation for you?
Discussion Feedback Genre typical, so good for FPS players, more of a learning curve for non-FPS players Survival, defeating, navigating, and justice Good for 20 something 30 something boys Dark gloomy dystopia-like look No significant or meaningful narrative choices, can there be other choices, read rather than target practice, An auto save point so you don’t need to go back to the instructor AGAIN Dark, grim, maybe how students see the library