2012 Work Plan Adjustment Recommendations Memos for Existing UES Measures January 17, 2012
Background Q RFP to review and prioritize the remaining 60 UES measures to scope the work plans for bringing them into compliance ($100,000). – Selected contractor will complete only the first 20 Recommendations Memos under the budget – 40 measures remaining need recommendation memos – Must come out of 2012 work plan and budget RTF accounting practices limit 2011 funding for work obligated under contract or out for RFP by 12/31/11
Proposed 2012 Work Plan Adjustment Cost estimate: $5K * 40 UES measures + staff review = $232K Shift funding from other buckets within the approved 2012 budget Solicit RFP for finishing the recommendation memos of the remaining 40
Proposed Budget Shift $174K from “New Measure and Unsolicited” – Reduces new measure/protocol count from 12 to 4 – Defer some of the expected new measures from 2012 to 2013 budget cycle $58K from “Existing UES Review” – Reduces active/provisional UES update from 20 to 11 measures under the 2012 budget – Defer some of the intended UES completed updates from 2012 to 2013 budget cycle
Proposed Motion I ______________ move that the RTF approve the staff recommended revision to the 2012 Work Plan and Budget and forward the recommendation to the Council for approval.