Workshop Silas Little Experimental Forest, NJ September, 13-17, 2010 André Monteiro – Forest Engineering and Adjunct Researcher – Imazon (Amazon Institute of People and the Environment) – Coodinator of the Projects Monitoring and Transparency for the Forest Sector in the Amazon Inventories of Forest Degradation in the Brazilian Amazon
Research sites
Forest inventory (n=62) – Transects (10 m x 500 m) – Covered a range of forest degradation intensity and undisturbed forests. – All trees with DBH >10 cm were mapped along 10 m by 500 m transects (i.e. 0.5 ha). – Sub-parcels (10 m x 10 m; 0.1 ha) were created every 50 meters along each transect and all trees <10 cm DBH were mapped. Information surveyed – Tree species – DBH – Canopy gap – Lianas – Soil disturbance – Live and dead – Woody litter Aboveground biomass – Estimated using allometric equations (Gerwing 2000) 3 Forest Transect Method
Classes of Forest Degradation and Transect Sites class (Total number of Transects) Field description Transect location (number of transects) Undisturbed (UF) (n=15) Consists of mature, undisturbed forest dominated by shade tolerant tree species. Itacoatiara, Manaus Ji-Paraná, Rondônia Santarém, Pará Sinop, Mato Grosso Non-mechanized logging (NML) (n=9) Logged forest without the use of heavy vehicles such as skidders and trucks, also known as traditional logging. Logging infrastructure (log landings, roads and skid trails) are not built. Santarém, Pará Sinop, Mato Grosso Managed Logging (ML) (n=14) Planned selective logging where the tree inventory is conducted, followed by road and log landing planning to reduce harvesting impacts. Itacoatiaiara, Manaus Paragominas, Pará Santarém, Pará Sinop, Mato Grosso Conventional Logging (CL) (n=10) Conventional unplanned selective logging using skidders and trucks. Log landings, roads and skid trails are built causing extensive canopy damage. Low intensity understory burning may occur, but forest canopy is not burned. Paragominas, Pará Santarém, Pará Sinop, Mato Grosso Logged and burned (LB) (n=6) Either non-mechanized logging or logged forests that forest canopy had been intensively burned. Santarém, Pará Sinop, Mato Grosso Fragment (FF) (n=8) Isolated forest patch created by deforestation with abrupt changes on edges to pasture and agriculture lands, or with partial transitional edges to secondary forests. Fragments in the study area usually subject to recurrent NML and fires. Ji-Paraná, Rondônia
Dynamic of Forest Degradation 1998 Logged and Burned a Logged Old Logged Old Logged and Burned Logged and Burned cd e f b Degradation signal changes fast. There is a synergism of forest degradation processes that can reduces more C stocks of degraded forests. Reccurrent forest degratation is expected and creates even more loss of C stocks. Annual monitoring is required to keep track of forest degradation process. 5
C Stocks Change vs NDFI Loss of C Stocks with Intensity of Forest Degradation Degradation Intensity AGLB vs. NDFI 6
Areas of research interest Methods to measure carbon stocks of forests using rapid forest inventories. Measurement of forest biomass using laser instruments and Lidar technology. Integration of field data of forest carbon stocks with remotely sensed data to support of strategies for project of REDD. Modeling of forest carbon dynamics and ecosystem services.