1 MICE Project Report, paul drumm, 9 march 2005 CM Highlights & Tasks… –Tracker base line – scintillating fibres – performance validated –TOF performance is important; purchases for TOF prototype may soon start with financial help of UniGeneva –Inaugurated Design & Safety Review (Wing…) Beam line first pass… Tracker first pass… PID starting… –DAQ group – Edda… KEK test will be important model for tracker & DAQ –Notice of available height in entry to MICE hall – 3.2m module width & height limit (
2 MICE Project Report, paul drumm, 9 march 2005 Project news –Tracker prototype is “almost ready” for assembly –RF equipment is being stripped down Burle tubes sent to ISIS for testing (looks hopeful) –PSI solenoid MoU is ready and can be signed as soon as official announcement is made finalising shipping arrangements with PSI Environment agency case for importation to be made Notice to tender has gone out for the cryogenics (OJEU + response) –Sorting out resources for beam lines tasks Analysis so far: –Reasonable amount of time to do the work for the “conventional” elements –Schedule: Long delivery on cryogenics for decay solenoid Installation before & during the 2006 long shutdown –Late 2006
3 MICE Project Report, paul drumm, 9 march 2005 Schematic Schedule: AMJJASONDJFM.. AMJJASONDJFM ? Task Shutdown Beam line Design/Procure Muon Solenoid Import/Deliver/install Rail system Shielding Cryo Tender/Deliver/install Installation Pre-shutdown Shutdown Post-shutdown Beam Available? 2005/62006/7 Opportunities for a target test - In negotiation We are here! review
4 MICE Project Report, paul drumm, 9 march 2005 UK Financial news –RCUK, PPARC & CCLRC have all agreed funding for MICE phase 1 –Waiting for formal approval: back to OST for final approval and a ministerial announcement (still not done-deal) –If all is well hope to have funds by beginning of FY05 (April) for two years US news ?