Academic Data Research Services Alliance Bridging the Gap between Data and Discovery Beth Forrest Warner Director, Digital Library Initiatives, University of Kansas Denise Stephens Associate University Librarian for Public Services, Syracuse University
October 3, 2002 Copyright Beth Forrest Warner, and Denise Stephens,2002. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors. Copyright Statement
October 3, 2002 Numeric & Spatial Data
October 3, 2002 Access to Data Resources The “good old days”…
October 3, 2002 Access to Data Resources Today…
October 3, 2002 KU: Some Background KU Libraries Strategic Planning effort, Spring 2000 Resource and service support Academic Computing Services limited technology support for data
October 3, 2002 Mutual Goal To provide comprehensive and sustainable user services for numeric data and analytical technologies
October 3, 2002 Feasibility?? What mutual goals and/or concerns did we have as information service providers for the university? Are similar programs present in the University environment? If so, what is the nature of these programs? Which other university departments or programs should be involved or consulted? How and by who would the program be authorized?
October 3, 2002 Campus Themes Teaching faculty in the social sciences and business were the initial core prospective user group for the collaborative service. Frustration had developed regarding the lack of an accessible body of content and analytical tools for researchers across campus. Research agencies at the University, such as the Policy Research Institute, had expertise in complex statistical analysis and with tools, owned some content resources, but had little visibility on campus. They were also ill-prepared to provide ‘services’ to a broad and relatively novice user constituency. There was clear agreement about the institutional need for a collaborative, accessible support service for users of numeric data and its analysis.
October 3, 2002 Moving Ahead The Academic Data Research Services Alliance is formed! The Libraries Academic Computing Services Policy Research Institute
October 3, 2002 Core Issues What assets does each partner bring to the effort? What are each partner’s limitations? What are the potential benefits of participation? Who is the audience? What is the level of interest at KU in utilizing the service? How would the division of responsibility and effort be decided?
October 3, 2002 Defining the Service Determine assets Leveraging contributions Each partner contributes what is does best…
October 3, 2002 Libraries’ Contributions Expertise in acquiring, describing, organizing, and making available information in all formats Collections of numeric data resources (content) from a variety of subject areas and sources An organizational infrastructure that supports professional end-user services, desktop technology, and systematic acquisition of additional content Access to resources and assistance regardless of departmental affiliation or status Established liaison relationships across academic departments, as well as active outreach programs
October 3, 2002 ACS’s Contributions Expertise in configuring and delivering information technology across the University A well-developed technology infrastructure and IT management / planning practices Basic support for numeric data analysis in its labs Ready access to software and desktop technology, and server-based file storage Established University-wide service goals
October 3, 2002 PRI’s Contributions High-level expertise in data analysis and data structure Collections of relevant socio-economic data Experience in compiling data and databases to support scholarly research and publishing
October 3, 2002 Digital Library Initiatives Launched in late 2000 Unit of Information Services division Coordination role LibrariesACS DLI
October 3, 2002 The DL Environment “[…] a ‘digital library’ is not merely equivalent to a digitized collection with information management tools. It is rather an environment to bring together collections, services and people in support of the full life cycle of creation, dissemination, use, and preservation of data, information and knowledge”. – Report of the Santa Fe Planning Workshop on Distributed Knowledge Work Environments: Digital Libraries, (1997),
October 3, 2002 KU DLI Created To… Provide a focus for digital library efforts at KU help set directions and goals Build from a solid base of knowledge technical concepts library / information science concepts scholarly communications issues Take a pragmatic approach balance theory with reality manage expectations Emphasize collaborative efforts and community-building
October 3, 2002 KU DLI Areas of Focus Enhanced presentation / navigation / resource discovery Standards-based development Enhanced local resource management and dissemination University participation & community- building
October 3, 2002 Collaborative Principle “Work on digital libraries aims to help with generating, sharing and using knowledge. It aims to improve practices of communities so they are more effective, efficient, productive and maximize the benefits of collaboration. It seeks to extend the content and utility of digital libraries to aid existing communities and to facilitate the emergence of new communities of discourse, research, and learning.” – Report of the Santa Fe Planning Workshop on Distributed Knowledge Work Environments: Digital Libraries, (1997),
October 3, 2002 Organizational Issues Leadership roles Expertise Collections / Content Access Strategies Technology Standards Communication Resources (funding) Leveraging through collaboration
October 3, 2002 Operational Issues Diversity of content Integration (formats, media, services) Rights management / copyright / licensing Granularity Evolving standards Robust infrastructure needs Interoperability Scalability Preservation / migration Organizational structure Collaborations
October 3, 2002 ADRSA Redefined Coordination role of DLI formalized in January 2002 Roles and responsibilities of partners Service expansion to include spatial as well as numeric data and services
October 3, 2002 Components & Roles Data Access IT Infrastructure Data Analysis Data Education Service Assessment Advisory Support
October 3, 2002 Branding & Marketing Data Discovery Data Across the Curriculum Data Talk Faculty Advisory Board
October 3, 2002 ADRSA: Efforts to Date Data Discovery: Identification of Data & Reference / Advisory Services Physical Access to Data & Computing Services Data Extraction & Analysis Services Data & Scholarly Communications
October 3, 2002 ADRSA: Efforts to Date Data Across the Curriculum: Support of the curriculum Creation of classes & instructional aides Integration of data instruction requests with regular instruction within the Libraries Instruction & reference tools to assist users with basics of data identification, acquisition, and use at KU
October 3, 2002 ADRSA: Efforts to Date Data Talk: Education, Publicity, and Marketing Activities Teaching Summit Center for Teaching Excellence Department & classroom presentations
October 3, 2002 ADRSA: Efforts to Date Faculty advisory group composed of identified stakeholders
October 3, 2002 ADRSA in Perspective Numeric and spatial data resources are created, purchased, stored, and made available to users by a wide variety of units in universities today Significant access and resource efficiencies are not easily possible without implementing a campus-wide infrastructure for identification and sharing
October 3, 2002 ADRSA in Perspective Facilitating the creation of shared standards and policies, and building formal relationships between units Mechanism to leverage expertise residing in individual units into an improved service for the campus Combined service profile has raised awareness on campus of the resources and assistance available
October 3, 2002 ADRSA in Perspective Efforts critical in not only retaining but allowing expansion of targeted services during budget reductions Coordination through the DLI has provided a broader context and framework for ADRSA initiatives and services; has also provided a mechanism to participate in broader campus initiatives
October 3, 2002 ADRSA Model Libraries ACS DLI PRI
October 3, 2002 ADRSA Model Bridging the gap between data and discovery!
October 3, 2002 Questions?? For additional information contact: Beth Forrest Warner Director, Digital Library Initiatives, University of Kansas Or Visit: