Retention in the Biological Sciences at North Carolina A&T State University Chairs’ Retreat June 28, 2007 O’Henry Hotel Greensboro, NC GOLDIE S. BYRD Professor and Chair Department of Biology North Carolina A&T State University
OVERVIEW The Department The Department Retention Plan in Biology Retention Plan in Biology GSK Retention Initiative GSK Retention Initiative Complementary Initiatives Complementary Initiatives Evaluation/Accountability Evaluation/Accountability Sustainability Sustainability Barriers Barriers
BIOLOGY 301 Undergraduate Students 301 Undergraduate Students 15 Graduate Students 15 Graduate Students 13 Full Time Faculty 13 Full Time Faculty 6 Adjuncts 6 Adjuncts
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Bachelor of Science in Biology Bachelor of Science in Biology Bachelor of Science in Biology, Secondary Education Bachelor of Science in Biology, Secondary Education Master of Science in Biology Master of Science in Biology Master of Science in Secondary Education with a concentration in Biology Master of Science in Secondary Education with a concentration in Biology *Certificate Program in Biotechnology *Certificate Program in Biotechnology
BIOLOGY RETENTION PLAN Two of Five Major Goals Identify factors that govern students success with the Department of Biology Seek external support for initiatives that retain majors
Building NASA Pipeline K - 9 Students Students Univ. Undergraduate Students Graduate and Professional Schools Community College Students University Graduate Students Middle School BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PIPELINE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PIPELINE Businesses Jobs Pre-K thru 6 High School
BRIDGES TO THE FUTURE Bridge to the Baccalaureate Bridge to the Baccalaureate –From High School Bridge to the Baccalaureate Bridge to the Baccalaureate –From Community Colleges Bridge to the Masters Bridge to the Masters –From the Baccalaureate Bridge to the Doctorate Bridge to the Doctorate –From the Masters
FACTORS THAT IMPACT RETENTION RETENTION Financial Environmental Academic Bio/ Behavioral
IDENTIFY FACTORS THAT GOVERN STUDENT SUCCESS IN BIOLOGY Surveys Surveys Exit Interviews Exit Interviews Statistical Analyses Statistical Analyses
WIN EXTERNAL SUPPORT FOR RETAINING MAJORS National Institutes of Health (funded) National Institutes of Health (funded) Merck, Inc. (Pending) Merck, Inc. (Pending) GlaxoSmithKline (funded) GlaxoSmithKline (funded)
A BROADER PERSPECTIVE Retaining larger numbers of students in the biological requires an interaction of academic, environmental, socio-cultural, and biological processes.
INITIATIVE GOALS Improve student transition into college Improve student transition into college Provide academic, financial and social supports Provide academic, financial and social supports Improve student acceptance rates in graduate and professional schools Improve student acceptance rates in graduate and professional schools
IMPROVE STUDENT TRANSITION INTO COLLEGE IMPROVE STUDENT TRANSITION INTO COLLEGE Six Week Pre-matriculation Program Six Week Pre-matriculation Program –Peer Mentoring –Summer Classes –Living/Learning Communities – Reading Comprehension –Survival Skills
SUMMER ACTIVITIES MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Courses 6–7 credits Courses Courses Courses Courses LunchLunchLunchLunchLunch TechniquesResearchDataAnalysisTechniquesResearchDataAnalysisTechniquesResearch E-journalScientificWritingReadingComprehensionSurvival Skills/ Time Management Computers as ResearchTools 5 -8 Dinner Living Com. PeerMentoringDinner SupplementalInstructionDinner
PROVIDE ACADEMIC, FINANCIAL, AND SOCIAL SUPPORTS Peer Mentoring Peer Mentoring Supplemental Instruction Supplemental Instruction Living/Learning Communities Living/Learning Communities GSK Scholars (2 new full scholarships per year) GSK Scholars (2 new full scholarships per year) 8 RISE Scholars (NIH) per year 8 RISE Scholars (NIH) per year
IMPROVE STUDENT ACCEPTANCE RATES INTO GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Quality Mentored Research Experiences Quality Mentored Research Experiences –Co-authors on Papers and Presentations *Office of Undergraduate Research (Departmental) Graduate and Professional School Admissions Test Prep Graduate and Professional School Admissions Test Prep Applications Assistance Applications Assistance –Application –Personal Statements –Visits to Graduate and Professional Schools –Edits
RESEARCH INTERNSHIP PARTNERS Duke University Duke University University of Miami University of Miami Brown University Brown University GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline Merck, Inc Merck, Inc The National Institutes of Health The National Institutes of Health The Institute for Genome Research The Institute for Genome Research Wake Forest University Wake Forest University The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill North Carolina State University North Carolina State University Columbia University Columbia University The US Environmental Protection Agency The US Environmental Protection Agency The University of Virginia The University of Virginia Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories
Pre-matriculation Program Chemistry Biology Calculus Time Management Research Learn the Campus Peer Mentoring Year 2 Research Seminar Research or Professional Experience Graduate and Professional School Science Workforce Professional Test Preparation Apply to Graduate and Professional School Off-site Research Intro to Careers in Science Peer Mentoring Supplemental Instruction Living/Learning Communities Year1 Year 3 Health Disparities Seminar Present at National Meeting Year 4 On Campus Research Academy for the First Year Experience RETENTION INITIATIVE FOR BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (GSK--$505,000) Apply to Office Of Undergrad Research RISE NIH
PROGRAM EVALUATION Strategic Evaluations, Inc Strategic Evaluations, Inc –Logic Model –Annual Evaluations (surveys, questionnaires, statistical analyses)
EXPAND COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH CAPACITY Genetic Susceptibility of Alzheimer’s disease in African Americans Transplantation and Angiogenesis in Diabetes Molecular and Cellular Carcinogenesis Translation and Prevention Healthy Lifestyle Behavior to Prevent Obesity Alternative Therapies for the Prevention of Hypertension
HOST DISTINGUISHED SYMPOSIA AND SEMINAR SPEAKERS Dr. Francis Collins Director NHGRI Dr. Norman Anderson CEO APA Dr. David Satcher Former Surgeon General Dr. Haywood Brown Chair of OB/GYN DUMC Dr. Clifford Houston President-elect ASM
INTRODUCING RESEARCH INTO THE CLASSROOM AND EVERYDAY LIFE Millions of boomers (age ) are caring for parents afflicted with a disease that steals minds and memories…. Millions of boomers (age ) are caring for parents afflicted with a disease that steals minds and memories…. –June 18, 2007
Signature Funded Programs ($7million) Collaborative Research in Health Disparities and Collaborative Research in Health Disparities and –Biotechnology (NIH) Summer Institute in Genome Science (BWF) Summer Institute in Genome Science (BWF) Biomathematical Learning Enhancement Network for Diversity (NSF) Biomathematical Learning Enhancement Network for Diversity (NSF) Course Curriculum Laboratory Improvement (NSF) Course Curriculum Laboratory Improvement (NSF) Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (NIH) Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (NIH) Achievers in Career Enrichment (ACE) Achievers in Career Enrichment (ACE) Academy for the First Year Experience (GSK) Academy for the First Year Experience (GSK)
True Measures of Success 1. Extent to which a significantly larger percentage of students: –Succeed in the first year transition –Complete science degree in four years –Advance to graduate and professional degree programs or science workforce –Maintain confidence and poise to become responsible leaders in global scientific economy 2. Extent to which these activities may be leveraged to expand retention initiatives in biology, across the college and across the campus - Office of Undergraduate Research - Complementary Programs
Recruiting, Educating and Retaining Students in the Sciences Require Teaching and Research Academic and Career Advising Quality Faculty Excellent Curriculum *Recruitment Packages for Students Faculty Support (Time) and Development Quality Facilities Administrative Support Operating Budgets Research Support Technical Support