behavior in organization
Sociology and social psychology Field of organizational behavior psychology communication Political science Management science anthropology Understanding and managing the human side of work
Theory : Consist of principle to apply specific approach. Theory proposes Relationships Between concepts hypotheses Hypotheses confirmed Research is Conducted to test The hypotheses Hypotheses disconfirmed
Correlational research : An empirical research technique in which variables of interest are measures which they are related to on another. hypothesis: An unverified prediction concerning the relationship between variables.
Positive correlation: A relationship between variables such that more of one variables is associated with more of another. Negative correlation: A relationship between variables such that more of one variables is associated with less another.
Correlation coefficient: a statistical index indicating the degree to which two or more variables are related. Multiple regression: a statistical technique indicating the extent to which each of several variables contributes to accurate predictions of another variable.
Experimental method An empirical research method in which one or more variables are systematically varid (the inde-pendent variables) to determine if such changes have any impact on the behavior of interest (the dependent variables)
Independent variable: The factor in an experiment that is systematically varied by the ex – perimenter to determine its im – past on behavior (the dependent variable) Dependent variable: The vari-able in an experiment that is measured affected by the impact of the independent variable
Naturalistic observation: A qualities research technique in which an investigator observes events occurring in an organization while attempting not to affect those events by being present. Participant observation: naturalistic observations of an organization made by individuals who have been hierd as employees.
Case method: A qualitative research method in which a particular organization is studied in detail, usually in the hopes of being able to learn about organizational functioning in general.