Lecture 4: Statistical Mechanics of Gene Regulation Rob Phillips California Institute of Technology (Beautiful work of David Goodsell)
The Single Molecule Census Continued: Gene Expression (Beautiful work of David Goodsell) RNAP+DNA+mRNA Lac Repressor CRP and DNA Products of the Lac Operon
All Together Now: The Lac Operon Our goal: mathematize the story told by all of these cartoons. In particular, compute the probability of RNAP binding as a function of concentration of all the other molecular actors.
Measure the Concentration of the Gene Product: Fluorescence (Elowitz and Leibler)
Repression in the Lac Operon: the Role of Looping (Elowitz et al.)
Beta-Galactosidase Activity Ian B. Dodd et al. Genes Dev. 2004; 18: (Dove et al.) (Lawrence et al.)
Measuring the mRNA Content of a Cell (Yeast microarray data – Brown Group at Stanford)
Real-Time PCR 2a. excitation flters 2b. emission filters 1. halogen tungsten lamp 4. sample plate 3. intensi fier 5. ccd dete ctor 350, 000 pixel s
Measuring Promoter Occupancy:ChIP
Repression in the Lac Operon: The Experimental Backdrop (Muller et al.)