Exploring Scenarios. What I have learned from presentations The default option is habitat loss Two kinds of restoration actions –Direct action: making.


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Presentation transcript:

Exploring Scenarios

What I have learned from presentations The default option is habitat loss Two kinds of restoration actions –Direct action: making habitat –Restoring ecosystem processes Time scales are very different

What else have I learned Many functional relationships may apply from system to system But the hydrology is different from system to system and important Hydrology modeling is ready to go Importance of life histories We have a large body of existing information ready to assemble

Introducing the new model Life history strategies – where to rear, how long in habitats Competition between life history strategies Tracking hatchery domestication and impact on wild fish SHIRAZ

Some sample scenarios Based loosely on Green River chinook

Current conditions

Eliminate Hatchery

Continued urbanization

Urbanization and no hatchery

Open upper watershed

Improve habitat, open upper watershed

What is missing? Integration with hydrology models Impact of domestication on natural spawning survival Tracking growth and its impact on survival Systematic library of functional relationships Interaction between habitat factors in functional relationships