Short courses for healthcare scientists
Biomed Courses are managed by a Consortium Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust King's College Hospital NHS Trust Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust St Mary's NHS Trust Barts and the London NHS Trust Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust Queen Mary Hospital, Sidcup NHS Trust Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust Medway NHS Trust Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust The Health Protection Agency Cambridge Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust at Addenbrooke’s Hospital South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust Central Manchester & Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust The University of Greenwich North East London Strategic Health Authority
M Level Courses for CPD 1.Quality systems management 2.Point of care testing 3.Management of healthcare associated infection 4.Lung disease 5.Renal disease 6.Diagnosis of breast cancer 7.Analysis of nucleic acids 8.Train the trainer 9.Implementing advanced quality management 10.Gene structure and function 11.Robotics and automation
Internet access Courses are accessed using the Internet
Course Security Internet access is password protected
Online Support Students are supported online with a tutor
Learning Resources Learning is guided using a range of selected paper and electronic materials
Activities Course interaction is maintained with learning activities
A typical activity The WHO web site is at Click on this site and look at the disease outbreaks year by year. Compare the types of outbreaks and reports. Prepare your answers in the form of a short posting to the Discussions area and, with your online discussion group, discuss what trends you notice and why you think they have occurred. Make sure that in your posting, you incorporate or respond to any points already posted there by your colleagues.
Case Studies Visit your local Breast Cancer Multidisciplinary meeting…… Your first task is to spend time shadowing the Infection Control Nurse (ICN)…. Locate a group in your hospital that is using a PCR based method of analysis…..
Learn collaboratively
Online communication Course Mail
Online debate
Online brainstorms In real-time with a chat room
Online explanations In real-time with a white-board
Timetable Learning activities are carried out according to a recommended timetable Students expect to commit 40-60h over 12 weeks
Student Tracking Tutors track & support student progression First AccessLast Access
Assessment Quizzes · Presentations · Professional articles · reports
Certification 30 credits at Master’s level 100 CPD credits under the revised IBMS scheme Successful completion of a course provides
Course Updates Page last updated: August 2005
What the reviewers said Renal Disease “….the Module is of a very high standard and fulfils completely the desired aims of the course. The text is clear and unambiguous with high quality illustrations…”
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer “…high quality module set at an appropriate level of challenge…. technical quality of the course is good, as is the scientific quality...” “I enjoyed my assessment of the course” What the reviewers said
Healthcare Associated Infection “…module addressed all aspects of this very important subject…” “…time spent with the infection control nurse was invaluable in showing the theory of infection control in practice.” What the reviewers said
Quality Systems Management “…an up-to-date, comprehensive and well designed course, likely to be of value to many in the BMS field and possibly beyond.” What the reviewers said
Analysis of Nucleic acids “…course uses the full range of facilities available within the e-learning environment” “…links to databases, which are so important in modern genetics.” What the reviewers said
Point of Care Testing “…a very innovative course that lends itself well to a ‘virtual campus’ learning experience…” “…interactive and motivating and designed from the student’s perspective…” “…a solid and relevant learning base for POCT…” What the reviewers said
“I would recommend this course …” “Having to learn new Web stuff is good” “…a benefit to have the tutors working in the field..” What the students said “Hard work but worth it” “I feel I can ask questions directly - I wouldn’t feel able in a class”
“I like the challenge of working in the written medium. I like the directness” “I feel I’ve really got to know the students. I shall feel sad when the course is finished” “I like getting the trust” What the tutors said
Next steps……
Apply Register Go to Seek funds from your Trust Request a funded place -£650/£725 Seek written support from your training officer Set aside 12 weeks Start dates: enquire