Visual Categorization with Bag of Keypoints Gabriella Csurka Christopher R. Dance Lixin Fan Jutta Willamowski Cedric Brays Presented by Jason Yosinski, Yun-hsueh Liu
SIFT Descriptors
Cluster SIFT Descriptors Clusters k=200 Clusters k=20
Keypoints Histogram
Classifiers Testing Training
Classifier – Naïve Bayes Classifying 39 test images using Bayes classifier (0.6 seconds). confusion matrix 4 2 7 1 8 2 3 3 9 Correctness ratio: 54%
Classifier – Nearest Neighbor Training nearest classifier (0.0 seconds). Classifying 39 test images using nearest classifier (0.1 seconds). confusion matrix 3 2 2 1 7 3 4 4 13 Correctness ratio: 59%
Classifier -- FLD Still working on this part….. Have problem in doing ROC curves; we can’t get it working